The Commissioners' Office public service counter is open 8 a.m - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

​  For questions or appointments please email or call 360.337.7080. 

For information on other departments, please click here.  

Kitsap County Board of Commissioners

Commissioner District Maps

Use the County's Commissioner District Map to see how Districts are divided.

News and Announcements


Kitsap County Board of Commissioners' Meetings 

Board of County Commissioner meetings are open to the public to attend in person, virtually via video conference or telephonically through a call-in number. Meeting access link information, as well as related materials, will be available to the public prior to the meeting at the link here or by clicking on the Board Meeting Agendas link on this webpage.
NOTE:  Kitsap County does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Individuals who require accommodations should contact the Commissioner's Office at (360) 337-7080 or TDD (360) 337-7275 or 1-800-816-2782.

The Board of Commissioners is the governing body of Kitsap County. There are three members of the Board and each represents one of three geographical districts. Commissioners work to ensure the delivery of services and programs essential to the continued prosperity of Kitsap County and its residents.