Most services can be completed online or by mail. You may contact us using the Online Question and Service form. 

    Kitsap County Recording is a division of the Kitsap County Auditor. Document recording is an essential function of your county government to ensure that legal ownership is filed and accessible. We also provide you with an extensive, historical search capability for all public records and state archives.

    Document Recording

    We must adhere to two Revised Code of Washington: Title 36 Counties and Title 65 Recordings, Registration, and Legal Publications. The Kitsap County Auditor and Deputy Auditors are not attorneys, therefore, cannot give legal advice. Our specific duties focus on proper fees being tendered, the instrument contains the document title(s), the instrument is acknowledged, names and signatures are included on the instrument, indexing information is complete, legal formatting requirements are met, and the instrument is legible for reproduction. 

    Here are some useful links

    Checklist for Recording Documents: A useful form to make sure you've completed all the steps to recording a documente-Recording: The Auditor's Office offers e-recording technology, the industry standard for delivering public documents for recording in electronic format. This is the fastest and easiest way to officially record your documents.

  • Fee Schedule: These are all the fees you may have to pay for recording, exceptions, maps, and certified copies. 

  • Recording Requirements: These are all the requirements that you must fulfill in order to avoid delay and frustration.

  • Cover Sheet: This is a PDF file (1 page, 33 KB) that you may fill out and submit online or print and mail.

  • Cover Sheet Non-standard: This is a PDF file (1 page, 66 KB) that you may fill out and submit online or print and mail.

  • Abbreviated Legal Descriptions: These are examples for you to follow to match legal descriptions and format.

  • Restrictive Covenant Modification: Some properties have covenants from decades ago that are no longer legally enforceable.

  • Veterans Records

    You are a valuable part of our community and we appreciate your service to our country. You may request exemption records, public disclosure exemption requests, and veteran separation exemptions.

Kitsap County News


  • Search recorded documents, land records, marriage and survey maps.
    NOTE: All documents are indexed at the time of recording.
  • Copy Request (Mail-in Form) This is a PDF form that allows you to specify which copies you need and lists the required fees. (You may wish to use this checklist to make sure you have all the necessary information when you prepare to ask for copies.
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