The Comprehensive Plan influences the future of our communities - you are encouraged to participate!
Scroll through the table below to see all public meetings
regarding this amendment process and download meeting materials, if applicable.
will be added and updated on this page throughout the process as they become
the tables below, you can scroll through the lists of participation
opportunities and expand/contract categories by clicking the (+) or (–) icons
next to each heading.
The table below provides information relevant to any current
comment periods.
How can I submit comments?
To be included in the official record, written comments must be received by the Department of Community Development during an open comment period.
Online comments are preferred.

Comments may also be sent to Peter Best, Senior Planner, by:
Email to
Mail to 614 Division Street - MS36, Port Orchard, WA 98366
Drop off at the Department of Community Development Permit Center
(1st Floor, County Administration Building, 619 Division Street, Port Orchard)
Tips for preparing comments:
Organize your comments so that general comments and comments regarding particular amendments can be easily distinguished.
Be as concise and clear as possible.
Explain how the amendment will benefit or affect you. For example, do you live nearby or use the relevant public service or facility?
If you plan to provide oral testimony at a public hearing, submitting a written version at the hearing can be very helpful. Please note that oral testimony is usually limited to 3 minutes per person/group to ensure everyone has an opportunity to be heard.
Providing contact information is not required but is very helpful if additional information or clarification regarding your comment is needed.
Written comments during open comment periods and oral testimony at public hearings are the only ways for your comments to be part of the official record. Oral comments made during open houses or over the phone will not become part of the official record.
How is the public notified about comment periods?
Notifications and announcements regarding comment periods and public hearings include the following:
Legal notice published in the Kitsap Sun newspaper;
Broadcast announcements via email, text message,,, and;
Notice signs posted on site-specific amendment properties;
Notices mailed to property owners near site-specific amendments and other geographically specific amendments; and
Formal letters to Tribes with usual and accustomed area in Kitsap County.