The purpose of design standards is to guide the general
character and the look and feel of a designated area, this includes:
structures, landscaping, signage, etc.
Standards are baseline requirements for the design of
development projects. Some guidelines are recommendations that are
intended to further define the desired character of development within the
Typically projects are designed from the requirements of Kitsap
County Code, Title 17 Zoning (Title 17.420.050) however
since your parcel falls within one of Kitsap County’s design districts you will
also need to follow the guidelines for the Keyport Design. If there is a
conflict in requirements the more restrictive will apply.
The main intent of the Keyport Design Guidelines are focused on building facades, streetscape, transparency at the ground floor, of entrances, and the location of balconies and terraces at second floors. Additional items of review would include window types, canopies and weather protection, landscaping around blank walls and how the back of buildings are treated. Also addressed are building corners at the major intersections and how they could be emphasized or enhanced. Specialized treatment of the building facades are encouraged where different base, middle, and cap portions of a building façade could be differentiated with materials, paint, or embellishment. Additionally, signage is discussed with a focus on pedestrian oriented blade signs along Washington Avenue, illuminating Washington as the “front door” to Keyport and the main interaction with tourists and visitors.
Keyport Community Plan