There are three typical scenarios in which you must submit a site evaluation permit with Community Development. Please be aware that accomplishing your project may require more than one permit, depending on what is determined on-site, such as the presence of critical areas. All site evaluation permits require an arborist report to accompany the permit.
Community Development only accepts online permit applications for all permits. If you are ready to apply for your permit, proceed to the
Prepare, Apply, Manage page and follow the steps to Apply.
Danger Tree Removal
The Site Evaluation Permit for a danger tree can be issued for an existing residential or commercial building structure in immediate danger of incurring damage from a fallen tree or when a property owner wishes to install a well or utility source before the building site permit application. The tree is located within a tree length and a half from the permanent or planned structure or home. Danger tree definition: 18.16.030.J. Danger Trees. Pursuant to the Critical Areas Ordinance (Title 19), and as hereafter amended, "danger trees" means any tree of any height, dead or alive, that presents a hazard to the public because of rot, root system or limb damage, lean or any other observable condition created by natural process or man-made activity consistent with WAC 296-54-505.
Requires an arborist report describing the conditions that make the tree a danger tree.
Danger Tree Harvest
The Site Evaluation Permit for a danger tree harvest
precedes a timber harvest application regulated by Kitsap County Code 18.16.080
Application for Timber Harvest Permit. A timber harvest permit application may
require additional reports depending on the tree's location (ex., critical
areas, shorelines, steep slopes).
Requires an arborist report that includes identifying the trees to be harvested.
View Enhancement - Thinning or Topping
This Site Evaluation Permit is issued when the objective is cutting, trimming, or topping trees, often associated with a view corridor.
Requires an arborist report that would describe the thinning or topping program.