Passport Challenges
Financial Wellness
Financial wellness includes having an understanding of your finances and managing them so that you are prepared for financial changes and challenges.
Occupational Wellness
Occupational wellness recognizes personal satisfaction and enrichment in one's life through work. Find ways to contribute your unique gifts, skills and talents to work that is both personally meaningful and rewarding..
Emotional Wellness
Emotional barometers measure the degree to which you feel positive and enthusiastic about yourself and life. Emotionally well people maintain satisfying relationships with others, and live longer, happier lives.
Physical Wellness
When we talk about physical wellness, exercise may be the first thing that comes to mind. But physical activity is only part of the puzzle. Changing behaviors that lead to better health, learning good self-care, and making sure you get appropriate health care all add up to your overall physical wellness.
Social Wellness
Social wellness is having positive interactions with others. It involves developing and building close friendships and intimacy, practicing empathy and effective listening, caring for others and for the common good, and allowing others to care for you. It is recognizing the need for leisure and recreation and budgeting time for those activities.
Environment Wellness
We all live in our shared environment, and share responsibility for it. Lifestyle choices that are respectful of the environment not only are good for us for own welfare but ensure that valuable resources will be available for generations to come. Find ways to celebrate the environment and let it recharge you.
Spiritual Wellness
The spiritual dimension of wellness involves seeking meaning and purpose in our own existence. It includes the development of self-knowledge and awareness as well as a deeper appreciation for all that exist in the universe.
Intellectual Wellness
Intellectual wellness encourages creative, stimulating mental activities. As you develop you intellectual curiosity, you'll actively strive to expand and challenge your mind with creative endeavors.