The Block Grant Program is funded through the Federal Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). Kitsap County receives an annual allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) funds. The amounts are determined by a formula and the federal budget.
The purpose of the program is to provide the community with a source of funds to address a wide range of housing and community needs. The funds are used to support agencies, non-profits, and governments in addressing the needs of low-income and special needs households in the community. CDGB funds are primarily used to fund capital and economic development projects, with a smaller portion used to fund public services. HOME funds are used to fund housing projects.
The goal is to assist in the development of decent housing, create suitable living environments and expand economic opportunities for low income individuals and families. Funding is guided by the
Consolidated Plan and annual Action Plans
Grant funds are awarded annually through a
Coordinated Grant Application. For more information on the grant application cycle click on the Application Cycle button on this page. Funding decisions are made through a public process that includes review and recommendation of a Grant Recommendation Committee and approval by the Board of County Commissioners.
For more information or questions about the Block Grant Program, contact program staff listed below.