Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board
Pursuant to Revised Code of Washington RCW 71A.14.020, Kitsap County established the Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board. The Board's Mission is to promote choice, opportunity, and support for people with disabilities in an enhanced community where all people are included, respected and dignified. Board responsibilities include reviewing all service plans, applications for funding, and expenditure budgets. The Board makes recommendations regarding developmental disabilities services funded through Kitsap County and provides community education on developmental disabilities.
The Board consists of no fewer than nine and no more than 15 at-large members of the community from varying geographic regions in Kitsap County. It is representative of parents, business, schools, professionals and others with interest in developmental disabilities. Applications are currently open for new members. Find the online application here. Member | Term | Jennifer Acuna
| 2/24/23 - 2/23/26
| Donna Gearns (Vice Chair) | 09/01/22 - 08/31/25 | Sandra LaCelle (Chair) | 08/01/24 - 07/31/27 | Kathryn Loughheed | 01/10/25 - 01/09/28 | Veola Taylor | 9/28/24 - 9/27/27 | Rachelle Williams | 10/25/24 - 10/24/27
| Shannon Turner
| 1/9/23 - 1/8/26
| Jennifer Crider
| 1/9/23 - 1/8/26
| Cindy Bonilla
| 12/2/24 - 12/1/27
| |
Public Comment
Members of the public wishing to comment during designated public comment periods may do so through the following options. Each member of the public is limited to three minutes of Internet, call-in, or written comments. At the discretion of the Chair, a public comment that is overly repetitive or inappropriate (vulgar, disruptive, etc.) will be ended.
Internet Users: Please click on the raise hand feature in Zoom. The sound will be unmuted, and the Internet participant should announce their name. The participant will be called upon to speak at the designated time.
Call-In Users: Callers will be unmuted one at a time and asked whether the caller wishes to offer public comment. The last four digits of the call-in number will be announced, and call-in participants should announce their first and last name before speaking.
Written Comments: Written comments will be read during the public comment period if submitted to by 12:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. Comments read are limited to three minutes. To ensure written public comments are read at the proper meeting, a written statement should include: the date of the meeting the written comments are intended for; participant's first and last name; and agenda item and/or subject the written comments refer to.