
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) is a federal law that prohibits and seeks to eliminate sexual assaults and sexual misconduct in correctional institutions and community corrections settings. Kitsap County Juvenile and Family Court Services is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for staff and offenders.

The policy of Kitsap County Juvenile and Family Court Services is to immediately investigate all reports of sexual abuse or sexual harassment of a resident alleged to have occurred in detention by another resident, staff member, contractor, or volunteer. Whenever a report of sexual abuse or sexual harassment of a resident alleges acts that constitute a crime, the supervisor or manager receiving the report will immediately contact law enforcement to initiate a criminal investigation. See PREA Part D Response and Investigation

To request a copy of the agency's primary PREA policy (policy 3.20 Part A, Prevention and Responsive Planning) please contact Dean Phillips, Juvenile Detention Manager as follows: (360) 337-5406 and email:

How to Report Institutional Sexual Assault and/or Staff Sexual Misconduct as a third party:
•            Any third parties or staff can submit a report on behalf of the victim.
•            Reports may be submitted verbally or in writing.
•            Notify any detention staff member - they are required to relay your allegation.
•            Report the incident directly to the police or attorney.

If you have information regarding an offender who has been sexually assaulted while in local custody or under community supervision, please call or email:

Dean Phillips, Juvenile Detention Manager (360) 337-5406 email:


Kitsap Sexual Assault Center
600 Kitsap St Suite 103 Port Orchard, WA 98366
24hr hotline: 1-866-831-2050 or 360-337-9773 (9am-4pm)

Mail Policy

All outgoing/incoming mail must go through the United States Postal Service (USPS). Letters shall not be passed during visitation.

Incoming Mail All youth in the Kitsap County Juvenile Detention Facility (KCJDF) may receive incoming mail, if, they are staying within the facility.  Please address mail to:                                                

Recipients' Name
1338 SW Old Clifton Rd
Port Orchard, WA 98367 

Please know that incoming mail is scanned by an x-ray machine prior to being routed to Detention. Also, incoming and outgoing mail is scanned for contraband, prohibited content, and potential violations of no contact orders. All letters are scanned for content looking for words relating to violence, escape, drugs, sexual content or other potential threats to the safety of youth, staff, the facility, or the community.

Outgoing Mail 
All in custody youth are provided with paper and envelopes to write letters, if, they choose to. Youth are instructed not to seal the envelope, unless mail is being sent to organizations like courts, defense attorneys, juvenile court officials, and persons within the facility grievance process. Designated staff scan letters for contraband or prohibited content. All outgoing mail must utilize the youth's home address as the return address on the envelope. Sanctions for writing a letter that is in violation of our standards; include but may not be limited to, Loss of mail privileges for the day; and, letters that are deemed in violation of the standards, will not be sent.

In custody youth are permitted to write letters daily; however, only one letter per day will be sent via USPS.

In custody youth are not permitted to write or receive notes or letters from other detained youth or
youth who have been in KCJDF.