Kitsap Sun Pavilion 1200 NW Fairgrounds Rd, Bremerton

Rate: $3,000 per day - entire building $1,900 per day - half building (subject to availability) $800 per day - entire building move-in $500 per day - half building move-out
$25 Administrative Fee will be added to each transaction.
Size & Capacity: Main Floor (lower): 37,500 SF (150’ x 250’) - standing 7,500 in chairs; 3,750 at tables; 2,500 with 160 Booths
Mezzanine: 5880 SF (42’ x 140’) - standing 1176 in bleachers; 634 at tables; 392 with 30 Booths
Office: 165 SF (11’ x 15’);
Back Office: 165 SF (11’ x 15’)
Conference Room: 616 SF (28’ x 22’) - 40 at training tables & 1 instructor
Included with Full Building Rental: Electrical 5 (200 amp) - 3 phase services, mezzanine, Wi-Fi, 2 ticket booths/4 windows, kitchen, room dividing curtain, 1 office, parking lot, programmable lighting, temperature controlled, easy move in & out, vending machines, fold away bleachers, conference room, whiteboard, garbage support, custodial support, set-up/tear down support, dumpster, 30-foot American flag, key card access, discounts at hotels, marketing countywide, elevator
Click here for more Kitsap Sun Pavilion info |
Presidents' Hall
1250 NW Fairgrounds Rd, Bremerton |
Rate: $1,200 per day - entire building $700 per day - half building (subject to availability) $800 per day - entire building move-in $500 per day - half building move-out $25 Administrative Fee will be added to each transaction.
Size: Main Floor: 19,000 SF (190' x 100')
Capacity: standing 3,800, in chairs 1,900, at tables 1,266, 100 Booths
Included with Full Building Rental: Electrical 3 (200 amp) - single phase services, kitchen, 2 stoves/ovens, refrigerator, 2 bin sink, Wi-Fi, parking lot, cement & vinyl flooring, programmable lighting, easy move in and out, garbage support, custodial support, set-up/tear down support, dumpster, key card access, marketing countywide
Click here for more Presidents' Hall info |
Thunderbird Arena & Stadium 1275 NW Fairgrounds Rd, Bremerton
| Please contact the Kitsap Fair and Stampede for rental information.
Size: Floor Size 61,250 Sq. Ft. (350’x175’)
Capacity: Capacity Floor – 12,250 standing, 6125 in chairs, 4083 at tables, Bleachers – 5500, Uncovered seats 2500, Covered Seats 3000
Click here for more Thunderbird Arena & Stadium info |
Van Zee
1274 NW Fairgrounds Rd, Bremerton |
$600 per day $25 Administrative Fee will be added to each transaction.
Size: 6,886 Sq. Ft (50'x145')
Capacity: 250; holds 50 booths
Included with Rental: Electrical 60 (110 amp) outlets and 13 (220 amp) outlets, parking lot, 60-110, 13-220 outlets, easy move in and out, garbage support, propane hookups, set-up / tear down support, dumpster, key access, marketing countywide, four garage doors,
Click here for more Van Zee info |