Our Commitment to Road Safety
At Kitsap County, we are committed to promoting a safe driving environment by setting consistent and reasonable speed limits. Studies show that most drivers adjust their speeds based on road and traffic conditions, regardless of posted speed limits. Establishing uniform speed limits helps reduce conflicts between faster and slower drivers, increases safety for everyone on the road, and aids pedestrians in accurately judging the speed of oncoming vehicles. Reasonable speed limits also serve as an effective tool for law enforcement to clearly identify violators.
Understanding the Basic Speed Law
The Basic Speed Law is a key component of national road safety standards. Under the Revised Code of Washington (RCW 46.61.400), no driver is allowed to travel at a speed greater than what is reasonable and prudent, taking into account the actual and potential hazards. This law places the responsibility on drivers to adjust their speed according to road conditions and surrounding environments.
How We Set Speed Limits
The default speed limit in Kitsap County is 25 miles per hour (MPH) unless otherwise posted, with a maximum allowable speed of 50 MPH on County roads. Special zones, such as school zones, park zones, and central business districts, may have reduced speed limits of 20 MPH.
To determine a reasonable speed limit, Kitsap County Public Works considers factors such as:
- Pedestrian and bicyclist activity
- Crash history
- Land use context
- Intersection spacing
- Driveway density
- Roadway geometry and roadside conditions
- Traffic volume and observed speeds
Speed limit adjustments are considered when significant development occurs or when there's an increase in collisions due to speed. Any changes in speed limits are officially adopted by the Kitsap County Board of County Commissioners and are implemented when new signs are installed.
Where We Place Speed Limit Signs
Speed limits are marked within established speed zones. On roads where a speed zone extends beyond 2 miles, additional signs are posted as reminders for drivers. In local neighborhoods, speed limit signs are placed at entrance points to ensure drivers are aware of the speed limits upon entry.
Traffic Calming
Speeding is a concern to both residents and officials. Excessive speed limit violations that are in progress can
be reported by calling 911. To report ongoing speed concerns, contact Kitsap1 at help@kitsap1.com, by phone at
360.337.5777, or through the SeeClickFix app at kitsap1.com. We can all make a difference by driving 25 mph or
less in residential areas and encourage others to do the same. If you live on a residential street, please refer to the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program in Chapter 9 of the Kitsap County Road Standards.
FAQ: Neighborhood Traffic Safety/Speed Limits
View or download the Speed Limit FAQ sheet here.