Educational Field Trips and Tours

SEEK - Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge

Schedule an educational field trip to a solid waste facility, a sewer facility, or a stormwater project site. 

​Water use, sewer systems, wastewater treatment
Stormwater, salmon, streams, and water quality
Recycling and Waste
Waste reduction and management, recycling, composting


​ ​Clear Creek Floodplain Project

Located along the north part of the Clear Creek Trail in Silverdale, this stream restoration project completed in 2017 has great examples of good salmon habitat complete with beaver dams. Meet a stormwater educator on-site with your students to learn about the restoration and how it has impacted salmon, the ecosystem, and the community.

Length of Tour​​1-1.5 hours
Advance Notice​​Two Weeks
Tour Hours​Monday -Thursday, 9:30am - 3:00pm
Field Trip Site​Silverdale Rotary Gateway Park,
11601 Silverdale Way NW, Silverdale (skateboard/dog park)
​​Max. Number​ 3 Classes
Appropriate Age(s)​Grades 3-12
Special Instructions​​Wear walking shoes and dress for the weather—this is an outside tour—rain or shine—on a paved walkway

No restroom facilities are available from October 1 - March 31.

 ​Kitsap County’s Olympic View Transfer Station (OVTS)

​​This facility receives and processes all solid waste (garbage) from both commercial and private haulers in Kitsap and North Mason Counties. At the OVTS facility, solid waste is compacted into 30-ton bales, loaded into metal shipping containers, and placed onto the railroad for transport and disposal at the Columbia Ridge Sanitary Landfill in Arlington, Oregon.

Length of Tour​​30 minutes
​​Advance Notice​Two Weeks
Tour Hours​Wednesday - Friday 10 am - 4 pm
​​Field Trip Site​Tours begin at Kitsap Public Works Annex 8600 SW Imperial Way Bremerton, WA, and then continue to OVTS unless otherwise arranged.
Max. Number​​20-25 students (2-3 groups)
with the following supervision ratios:
Grades 4-6: 1 adult per 5 children Grades 7-12: 1 adult per 10 children.
Appropriate Age(s)​Grades 4-12
Special InstructionsWear sturdy, closed-toed shoes. Tours will be conducted during business hours

 Kitsap County Household Hazardous Waste Facility

The facility accepts and safely packages household and small business hazardous waste for proper management.

Length of Tour​30 minutes
Advance Notice​One Week
Tour Hours​​By Appointment
​​Field Trip Site5551 Imperial Way SW, Bremerton
​​Max. Number​20-25 students (2-3 groups) 
with the following supervision ratios: 
Grades 4-6: 1 adult per 5 children Grades 7-12: 1 adult per 10 children.
​​Appropriate Age(s)​Grades 4-12
Special Instructions​​Wear sturdy shoes. Tours are conducted during non-operational hours, no other personal protective equipment is required

​​ Kitsap County Central Kitsap Wastewater Treatment Plant

​This facility treats wastewater in the central area of Kitsap County. The treatment plant serves the cities of Silverdale, Keyport, and Poulsbo, the Central Kitsap area, the Naval Submarine Base Bangor, and the Naval Undersea Warfare Engineering Station at Keyport. An average of over 3 million gallons of wastewater is treated here each day.

Length of Tour​90 minutes
​​Advance Notice​​One Week
Tour Hours​By Appointment
Field Trip Site12351 Brownsville Hwy NE, Poulsbo
​​Max. Number​20-25 students (2-3 groups) 
with the following supervision ratios: 
Grades 4-6: 1 adult per 5 children Grades 7-12: 1 adult per 10 children.
​​Appropriate Age(s)​​Grades 4-12
Special Instructions​​Wear sturdy shoes. Tours are conducted during non-operational hours, no other personal protective equipment is required.

Kitsap County Kingston Wastewater Treatment Plant

​This facility receives sewage from residential and light commercial activities in Kingston. After wastewater is treated, effluent is discharged into Puget Sound approximately 1 mile from the shoreline at a depth of 165 feet below mean low water.

Length of Tour​​60 minutes
Advance Notice​​Two Weeks
Tour HoursBy appointment
​​Field Trip Site​11000 NE White Horse Drive, Kingston
​​Max. Number​30 (1 chaperone per 6 students)
Appropriate Age(s)​​4th grade and up
Special Instructions​Dress for weather, will walk outside, closed-toe shoes only, no sandals or heels.

Kitsap County Manchester Wastewater Treatment Plant

This facility treats domestic sewage from residential and light commercial activities in the Town of Manchester. In addition, the facility receives wastewater from the Manchester State Park, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) laboratory in Manchester, and the Manchester Naval Fuel Depot. The effluent is discharged 880 feet from the shoreline of Puget Sound at a depth of 60 feet below the mean low water.

Length of Tour​​60 minutes
​​Advance Notice​​Two Weeks
Tour Hours​By appointment during hours of operation (0550-1420 hours)
Field Trip Site8020 E Caraway Drive, Port Orchard
​​Max. Number60 Students
Appropriate Age(s)​4th grade and up
Special Instructions​Dress for weather, will walk outside, closed-toe shoes only, no sandals or heels.

​ ​Kitsap County Suquamish Wastewater Treatment Plant

​This facility treats wastewater from residential and light commercial activities in the town of Suquamish, and the Clearwater Hotel and Resort Casino. The treatment plant effluent is discharged into Port Madison Bay, Puget Sound. The effluent is discharged approximately 2,300 feet offshore at a depth of 43 feet below mean low water.

Length of Tour​​60 minutes
Advance Notice​​Two Week
Tour HoursBy appointment
​​Field Trip Site​18000 Division Ave NE Suquamish
​​Max. Number​​10 (1 chaperone per 6 students)
Appropriate Age(s)​4th grade and up
Special InstructionsDress for weather, will walk outside, closed-toe shoes only, no sandals or heels.

​ ​Manchester Stormwater Park (qaq'ad)

This park, once the site of contaminated soils from an old gas station, collects and treats runoff from the uphill neighborhoods. The runoff is then discharged into Puget Sound at Pomeroy Park. Students participate in a visual scavenger hunt to learn how the park treats runoff. You can have lunch at Pomeroy Park, weather permitting. This field trip may be combined with a tour of the Manchester Sewer Plant for an all-day option.

​​Length of Tour​​1-1.5 hours
Advance Notice​Two Week
Tour Hours​Monday -Thursday, 9:30am - 3:00pm
​​Field Trip SiteManchester Stormwater Park, 
Corner of Colchester Drive & Main Street
Max. Number60 Students
​​Appropriate Age(s)​Grades 4-12
Special Instructions​​Wear walking shoes and dress for weather. This is an outside tour in a public park, rain or shine.

 ​Salmon Haven at Dickerson Creek

​One of the most productive salmon streams in Kitsap County, this is a great site for a fall field trip to see salmon return. As an added bonus, schedule a Stormwater Program Educator to meet your class and share information about the stream restoration project completed here in 2016.

Length of Tour​1-1.5 hours
​​Advance Notice​​Two Weeks
​​Tour Hours​Monday -Thursday, 9:30am - 3:00pm
​​Field Trip Site​Cnr of Northlake Way & Taylor Road, Bremerton
​​Max. Number​​60 Students 
Appropriate Age(s)​​Grades 3-12
​​Special Instructions​​Wear walking shoes and dress for the weather—this is an outside tour, rain or shine. Walking is on uneven, dirt surfaces.

No restroom facilities are available at this site.

​ ​Bainbridge Disposal Transfer Station

Non-county facility; tour request will be forwarded to facility contact upon receipt.

Length of Tour​​30-40 minutes
Advance Notice​​One Week
​​Tour Hours​Wednesday - Saturday 10–4
Field Trip Site7215 Don Palmer Avenue Bainbridge Island
​​Max. Number​​
Appropriate Age(s)​Any age
Special Instructions​Wear sturdy, closed toed shoes. Outdoor clothes, tours are outdoors, rain or shine  

City of Bremerton Wastewater Treatment Plant

Non-county facility; tour request will be forwarded to facility contact upon receipt.

Length of Tour​​1.5 - 2 hours
Advance Notice​One Week
Tour Hours​Monday-Friday 9-2
​​Field Trip Site1600 Oyster Bay Ave S, Bremerton
​​Max. Number​​
​​Appropriate Age(s)​​Any age
​​Special InstructionsWear sturdy, closed-toed shoes. Outdoor clothes, tours are outdoors, rain or shine  

South Kitsap Water Reclamation Facility

Non-county facility; tour request will be forwarded to facility contact upon receipt.

​​Length of Tour30-120 minutes (flexible to meet your needs)
​​Advance Notice​​Two Weeks
​​Tour Hours​​By appointment
​​Field Trip Site​2924 SE Lund Ave, Port Orchard
​​Max. Number​​20-25 students (2-3 groups)
​​Appropriate Age(s)​​4th grade and up
​​Special Instructions​​Wear sturdy, closed-toed shoes. Tours are outdoors, rain or shine