Salmon in the Classroom

Salmon and Their Habitat Unit

Through their investigations with the NGSS-aligned lessons in the Salmon and Their Habitat unit, students develop an understanding of salmon life cycles; internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction; different inherited traits and the affect the environment can have on these traits; and the impacts humans can have on salmon and their habitat. These lessons can be used when raising salmon in your classroom, observing them being raised virtually, or just learning about salmon but not raising them. Teachers can download and print copies of the unit for their use. Bound copies are made available at periodic teacher trainings. 

For questions about trainings, lessons or guest teachers, email Pat Kirschbaum, or call 360.307.4278.

Raising Salmon in Your Classroom

Each January, elementary students from classrooms around Kitsap County begin tending salmon eggs, donated by the Suquamish Tribe, in their classroom tanks.  While the baby salmon grow from egg to alevin to fry, students learn about the salmon life cycle, their habitat and the impacts of human activity. 

Over 30 classrooms from the Central Kitsap and Bremerton area participate in the Clear Creek Salmon in the Classroom Program. In March, these classes visit Clear Creek in Silverdale where they work with local volunteers to learn about habitat, test water quality, and discover the many kinds of stream bugs that live in local streams, before releasing their salmon fry to begin their journey downstream.

If you are a teacher who is interested in the Salmon in the Classroom program for your students, please contact the following individuals for your area:

  • Central Kitsap and Bremerton area -

Clear Creek Task Force, email:

  • Teachers in other areas or virtual options -

Kitsap1:, 360.337.5777

Learn more about the salmon lifecycle


The Salmon in the Classroom project was started in 1988 by the Central Kitsap Kiwanis Club. It is now a partnership with the Clear Creek Task Force, Silverdale Kiwanis Club, Clean Water Kitsap, Kitsap Public Utility District, United Van Lines, Suquamish Tribe, Air Management Solutions and over 30 local classrooms with the shared goal of enhancing the salmon population in Clear Creek and educating students on the importance of ecosystems.