Clean Water Kitsap partnership protects people, property and the environment by managing flooding and preventing water pollution. Our nationally recognized stormwater management program is funded by some of the lowest rates in Western Washington.
Drainage Improvements
We improve the storm drain system to reduce flooding, improve water quality, and increase fish passage. Our inspection and maintenance program prevents pollutants and debris from entering waterways.
Water Quality Protection
Our partners know that there is more to surface waters than what is on the surface. Watershed health monitoring, water cleanup and restoration projects, and public health water monitoring keep our waters safe for recreation and shellfishing.
Public Education & Involvement
Our many community programs help citizens understand their connection to water quality. Programs like the Rain Gardens and More cost share, Backyard Habitat Restoration, and Agriculture Technical Assistance help property owners improve their homes while protecting our watersheds.
Water Resource Planning
Careful planning on a watershed scale helps to make sure that people, fish and wildlife continue to have abundant, clean water. We collaborate with community partners to identify and apply strategies for protecting our water resources while making sure we have needed growth.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
Stormwater runoff in Kitsap County is regulated by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology, as well as by Kitsap County Stormwater Management Code (KCC 12.04 through 12.32)
NPDES Annual Reports
2024 NPDES Annual Report
2023 NPDES Annual Report
2022 NPDES Annual Report
2021 NPDES Annual Report
2020 NPDES Annual Report
*Please contact us if you would like the attachments referenced in the annual reports.
Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) for NPDES
Kitsap County is expected to develop a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) that includes all the required activities. The County must implement those activities within the required timeframes of the Permit term. We submit annual reports to the Washington State Department of Ecology each year to document progress toward completing program implementation.
Stormwater Comprehensive Plan and Stormwater Management Action Plan (SMAP)
To meet the planning requirements of the 2019-2024 NPDES Permit, Kitsap County has developed its Stormwater Comprehensive Plan and SMAP to target priority watersheds and coordinate programmatic planning efforts.
Finding Our Focus: 5-Year Strategic Plan
The Stormwater Strategic Plan is designed to serve as a roadmap for the Division's decision makers to put into operation a proactive, compliant and sustainable stormwater management philosophy. The goals and objectives in this plan guide our annual work plans and illuminate a course that focuses on maintaining compliance and implementing policies that not only protect our precious natural resources but also enhance Kitsap residents' quality of life.
Kitsap County welcomes comments on our Stormwater Management Program Plan, Comprehensive Plan and Management Action Plan as part of the public input process.