Radar Certificates

​If you were issued a citation for speeding by a Kitsap County Deputy Sheriff and want to print a copy of the calibration certificate of the RADAR or LIDAR used by the Deputy, find the certification in the list below that matches the one identified in your citation, click on it and print it. The RADAR/LIDAR number will not be listed on the front of the citation. You will first need to get a copy of the affidavit written by the officer from District Court. The Radar, make, model, serial number or KCSO number of the RADAR/LIDAR will be listed in the affidavit.

The RADAR and LIDAR units are identified by the KCSO number. 

If you have questions, please contact Sgt Andrew Aman or Deputy Aimee Rogers at 360-337-4634.

Radar Certificates