Our parcel information includes taxpayer of record, which does not convey ownership. In order to find property ownership, you will need to do a deed search with the Auditor's office.
Phone number: 360.337.4935
Website: http://kcwaimg.co.kitsap.wa.us/recorder/web/
To locate the taxpayer of record:
*If you already know the address or the parcel number, then the easiest way to find the taxpayer of record is to look up the property on our Parcel Details by clicking here.
*If you know where the property is located on a map but are unsure of other information then you can use our online map by clicking here. You can either use the tool bar or your mouse to zoom in to the map. Once you have located the parcel on the map, click on it with your left mouse button and it will highlight the basic information for you including the Taxpayer name, Account Number (Parcel number), Account ID, Site Address (Physical location) & Mailing Address.