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Questions? Contact Glen McNeill, Purchasing Program Supervisor, gsmcneill@kitsap.gov360-337-4789

 2025-014 RFQ Kitsap County Stormwater Park Analysis Project                                                                                         Closes 04/25/2025 @2:00 PM

 2025-014 RFQ Kitsap County Stormwater Park Analysis Project

 2025-014 Legal Ad

 2025-014 Planholders List

 2025-013 RFP Building Programs for Childhood Resiliency                                                                                                   Closes 04/17/2025 @2:00 PM

 2025-013 RFP Building Programs for Childhood Resiliency

 2025-013 Legal Ad

 2025-012 RFQ Integrated Design, Engineering and Analysis Services                                                                                Closes 04/04/2025 @2:00 PM

 2025-012 RFQ Integrated Design, Engineering and Analysis Services

 2025-012 Legal Ad

 2025-012 Plan Holders List

 2025-012 Sample Contract

 2025-012 Capital Facilities Six Year Plan

 2025-012 Central Kitsap  General Sewer Plan Update

 2025-012 CONSOR Format Asset Health Scores

 2025-012 Kingston General Sewer Plan Update

 2025-012 Manchester General Sewer Plan Update

 2025-012 Suquamish General Sewer Plan Update

 2025-011 RFP Kitsap County Auto Body Repair Services                                                                                                        Closes 03/20/2025 @2:00 PM

 2025-011 RFP Kitsap County Auto Body Repair Services

 2025-011 Legal Ad

 2025-010 RFP Pet Waste Message Testing 2025                                                                                                                        Closes 03/14/2025 @2:00 PM

 2025-010 RFP Pet Waste Message Testing 2025

 2025-010 Legal Ad

 2025-010 Plan Holders List

 2025-010 Addendum 1

 2025-010 Dog Owner Focus Group Report

 2025-010 KPCCRC Stormwater Runoff 2008 Final Report

 2025-010 Mutt Mitt Survey Summary 2014

 2025-010 Residential Stormwater Survey 2011

 2025-010 SnoCO Full Pet Report

 2025-010 SnoCO Pet Waste Communication Materials Testing

 2025-010 Pet Waste Marketing Evaluation Survey

 2025-010 Water Pollution in Puget Sound 2009

 2025-009 RFP Kitsap County Title Services                                                                                                                                 Closes 03/12/2025 @2:00  PM

 2025-009 RFP Kitsap County Title Services

 2025-009 Legal Ad

 2025-009 Plan Holders List

 2025-008 RFP Kitsap County Noxious Weed Control                                                                                                               Closes 03/05/2025 @2:00 PM

 2025-008 RFP Kitsap County Noxious Weed Control

 2025-008 Legal Ad

 2025-008 Plan Holders List

 2025-008 Sample Contract

 2025-008 Addendum 1

 2025-007 IFB Purchase and Installation of a 70 ft. Free Standing Radio Tower                                           (Changed) Closes 02/28/2025 @2:00 PM

 2025-007 IFB Purchase and Installaion of a 70 ft. Free Standing Radio Tower

 2025-007 Sample Contract

 2025-007 Project Plans

 2025-007 Site Plan

 2025-007 Legal Ad

 2025-007 Plan Holders List

 2025-007 Addendum 1

 2025-007 Addendum 2 

 2025-007 Tabulation

 2025-007 Notice of Intent to Award

 2025-006 RFQ Asphalt Emulsion for 2025                                                                                                                                    Closes 02/27/2025 @2:30 PM

 2025-006 Asphalt Emulsion for 2025

 2025-006 Legal Ad

 2025-006 Addendum 1

 2025-006 Tabulation

 2025-006 Notice of Intent to Award

 2025-005 RFQ Hot Mix Asphalt for 2025                                                                                                                                       Closes 02/27/2025 @2:30 PM

 2025-005 RFQ Hot Mix Asphalt for 2025

 2025-005 Legal Ad

 2025-005 Addendum 1

 2025-005 Tabulation

 2025-005 Notice of Intent to Award

 2025-004 RFQ Chip Seal Aggregate for 2025                                                                                                                               Closes 02/27/2025 @2:30 PM

 2025-004 RFQ Chip Seal Aggreagate for 2025

 2025-004 Legal Ad

 2025-004 Addendum 1

 2025-004 Tabulation

 2025-004 Notice of Intnet to Award

 2025-003 RFQ Aramid Fiber for 2025                                                                                                                                                                                    Canceled

 2025-003 RFQ Aramid Fiber for 2025

 2025-003 Legal Ad

 2025-003 Addendum 1

 2025-003 Tabulation

 2025-002 RFP Silverdale Regional Center Subarea Plan and Design Standards                                                                 Closes 01/28/2025 @3:00 PM

 2025-002 RFP Silverdale Regional Center Subarea Plan and Design Standards

 2025-002 Legal Ad

 2025-002 Planholders List

 2025-002 Notice of Intent to Award

 2025-001 RFQ Revision of Kitsap County Stormwater Design Manual & Review of Kitsap County Code                                                        Canceled

 2025-001 RFQ Revision of Kitsap County Stormwater Design & Review of Kitsap County Code

 2025-001 Legal Ad

 2025-001 Plan Holders List   

 2024-038 RFP RAGF Recyclables Hauling Services                                                                                                                      Closes 01/15/2025 @ 2:00 PM

 2024-038 RFP RAGF Recyclables Hauling Services

 2024-038 RFP RAGF Recyclables Hauling Services Appendix A

 2024-038 RFP RAGF Recyclables Hauling Services Appendix B

 2024-038 RFP RAGF Recycables Hauling Services Appendix C

 2024-038 RFP RAGF Recyclables Hauling Services Appendix D

 2024-038 Legal Ad

 2024-038 Addendum 1

 2024-038 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-037 RFP Kitsap County Armored Car Services                                                                                                                    Closes 12/4/2024 @ 3:00 PM

 2024-037 RFP Kitssp County Armored Car Services

 2024-037 Legal Ad

 2024-036 RFQ Private Shoreline Restoration Services                                                                                                             Closes 11/15/2024 @ 3:00 PM

 2024-036 RFQ Private Shoreline Restoration Services

 2024-036 Subdivision Survey

 2024-036 Legal Ad

 2024-036 Plan Holders List

 2024-036 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-035 RFQ Suquamish Treatment Plant (STP) Improvements Engineering Services                                            Closes 12/02/2024 @ 3:00 PM

 2024-035 RFQ Suquamish Treatment Plant (STP) Improvements Engineering Services

 2024-035 Structural Assessment Report

 2024-035 Exhibit A Supplemental Report

 2024-035 Legal Ad

 2024-035 Plan Holders Lists

 2024-035 Addendum 1

 2024-034 RFP Emergency Evacuation Software                                                                                                                      Closes 11/08/2024 @ 3:00 PM

 2024-034 RFP Emergency Evacuation Software

 2024-034 Legal Ad

 2024-034 Addendum 1

 2024-034 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-033 RFP Emergency Communications Platform                                                                                                            Closes 10/01/2024 @ 2:00 PM

 2024-033 RFP Emergency Communications Platform

 2024-033 Legal Ad

 2024-033 Plan Holder List

 2024-033 Addendum 1

 2024-033 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-032 RFI Senior Nutrition Project Kitsap Food Bank Coalition                                                                                    Closes  09/26/2024 @3:00 PM

 2024-032 RFI Senior Nutrition Project Kitsap Food Bank Coalition

 2024-032 RFI Application

 2024-032 Project Discription

 2024-032 Legal Ad

 2024-031 RFP Moderate Risk Waste Transportation Services                                                                                                Closes 09/26/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-031 RFP Moderate Risk Waste Transportation Services

 2024-031 Moderate Risk Waste Transportation Services Required Forms

 2024-031 Legal Ad

 2024-031 Plan Holders List

 2024-031 Addendum 1

 2024-031 Current Contract and Amendments

 2024-031 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-030 RFP Kitsap County Consolidated Homeless Grant Program  Homelessness Assistance                             Closes 09/25/2024 @3:00 PM

 2024-030- RFP Kitsap County Consolidated Honeless Grant Program Homeless Assistance

 2024-030 Legal Ad

 2024-030 Addendum 1

 2024-030 Addendum 2

 2024-030 Addendum 3

 2024-029 RFP Lodging Tax 2025                                                                                                                                  (Changed) Closes 09/13/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-029 Lodging Tax Application 2025

 2024-029 Lodging Tax Event Description 2025

 2024-029 Lodging Tax Award Process Instructions

 2024-029 Lodging Tax Legal Ad

 2024-029 Lodging Tax Agreement Sample

 2024-029 Lodging Tax Addendum 1

 2024-029 Lodging Tax Addendum 2

 2024-028 RFP Legal Services for Aging and Long-Term Care                                                                                                Closes 09/12/2024 @ 3:00 PM

 2024-028 RFP Legal Services for Aging and Long-Term Care

 2024-028 Legal Ad

 2024-028 Addendum 1

 2024-028 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-027 RFP Waste Pumping, Inspection and Repair Services                                                                                             Closes 07/15/2024 @ 3:00 PM

 2024-027 RFP Waste Pumping, Inspection and Repair Services

 2024-027 Legal Ad

 2024-027 Plan Holder Lists

 2024-026 RFP Mental Health, Chemical Dependency & Theraputic Court Programs                                                      Closes  07/02/2024 @ 9:00 PM

 2024-026 RFP Mental Health, Chemical Dependency & Theraputic Court Programs

 2024-026 Legal Ad

 2024-025 RFP Animal Control Hearing Officer                                                                                                                             Closes 07/07/2024 @3:00 PM

 2024-025 RFP Animal Control Hearing Officer

 2024-025 Legal Ad

 2024-025 Plan Holders List 

 2024-024 RFQ Everday Kitsap Printing and Mailing Services                                                                                                  Closes 05/24/2024 @ 2:00 PM

 2024-024 RFQ Everday Kitsap Printing and Mailing Services

 2024-024 Legal Ad

 2024-024 Plan Holders List

 2024-024 Tabulation

 2024-024 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-023 RFQ Cedar Sign Posts                                                                                                                                                        Closes 05/22/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-023 RFQ Cedar Sign Posts

 2024-023 Legal Ad

 2024-023 Plan Holders List

 2024-023 Addendum 1

 2024-023 Tabulation

 2024-023 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-022 RFP Correctional Health Care Services                                                                                                                        Closes 06/21/2024 @3:00 PM

 2024-022 RFP Correctional health Care Services

 2024-022 Legal Ad

 2024-022 Pre-Bid Sign In Sheet

 2024-022 Addendum 1

 2024-022 Addendum 2

 2024-021 RFQ Silverdale Stormwater Park                                                                                                                                   Closes 05/03/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-021 RFQ Silverdale Stormwater Park

 2024-021 Legal Ad

 2024-021 Plan Holders List

 2024-021 Addendum 1

 2024-021 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-020 IFB SIlverdale Recycling & Garbage Facility Waste Container Rail Track Repairs                                       Closes 05/01/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-020 IFB Silverdale Recycling & Garbage Facility Waste Container Rail Track Repairs

 2024-020 Contract Documents

 2024-020 Bid Drawings

 2024-020 Legal Ad

 2024-020 Plan Holders List

 2024-020 Pre-Bid Sign In Sheet

 2024-020 Addendum 1

 2024-020 Updated Contract Documents

 2024-020 Tabulation

 2024-020 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-019 RFP Long Lake Aquatic Noxious Weed Treatment                                                                                                 Closes 04/12/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-019 RFP Long Lake Aquatic Noxious Weed Treatment

 2024-019 Legal Ad

 2024-019 Plan Holders List

 2024-019 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-019 Evaluation

 2024-018 RFP Sea Level Rise Vulnerablity and Risk Assesment                                                                                             Closes 03/29/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-018 Sea Level Rise Vulnerablity and Risk Assesment

 2024-018 Legal Ad

 2024-018 Plan Holders List

 2024-018 Addendum 1

 2024-018 Addendum 2

 2024-018 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-017 IFB Johnson to Norum Sewer Main Replacement                                                                                    Changed Closes 05/03/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-017 IFB Johnson to Norum Sewer Main Replacement

 2024-017 IFB Bid Set Drawings

 2024-017 IFB Legal Ad

 2024-017 Plan Holders LIst 

 2024-017 Pre-Bid Walk Sign in Sheet

 2024-017 Addendum 1

 2024-017 Addendum 2

 2024-017 Tabulation

 2024-017 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-016 RFP WIOA Title 1 Adult and Dislocated Worker                                                                                                         Closes 04/17/2024 @4:00 PM

 2024-016 RFP WIOA Title 1 Adult and Dislocated Worker

 2024-016 Legal Ad

 2024-016 Addendum 1

 2024-015 RFQ Timber Harvesting Services                                                                                                                                    Closes 03/08/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-015 RFQ Timber Harvesting Services

 2024-015 Legal Ad

 2024-015 Plan Holders List

 2024-015 Addendum 1

 2024-015 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-014 RFP Building Childhood Resiliency                                                                                                                               Closes 04/11/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-014 RFP Building Childhood Resiliency

 2024-014 Legal Ad

 2024-013 RFP WIOA Title 1 Youth Program Services                                                                                                                Closes 04/03/2024 @4:00 PM

 2024-013 RFP WIOA Title 1 Youth Program Services

 2024-013 Legal Ad

 2024-012 RFQ CKTP Solids and Liguid Hauled Waste Upgrades Constrction Manager Services                                   Closes 03/14/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-012 RFQ CKTP Solids and Liquid Hauled Waste Upgrades Constrction Manager Services

 2024-012 Legal Ad

 2024-012 Plan Holders List

 2024-012 Addendum 1

 2024-012 Addendum 2

 2024-012 Addendum 3

 2024-012 Addendum 4

 2024-012 Pre SOQ Meeting

 2024-012 RFPP Solids and Liquid Hauled Waste Upgrades Construction Manager Services

 2024-012 CKTP GCCM Complete Tabulation

 2024-012 Notice of Intent to Negotiate

 2024-011 RFP Stormwater Asset Management/Enhanced Maintenance Planning Project                                             Closes 03/06/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-011 RFP Stormwater Assest Management/Enhanced Maintenance Planning Project

 2024-011 Legal Ad

 2024-011 Plan Holders List

 2024-011 Addendum 1

 2024-011 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-010 RFP Law Enforcement Virtual Reality Training System                                                                                         Closes 03/29/2024 @3:00 PM

 2024-010 RFP Law Enforcement Virtual Reality Training System

 2024-010 Legal Ad

 2024-010 Plan Holders List

 2024-010 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-009 RFP Marketing and Brand Adaptation                                                                                                                        Closes 02/26/2024 @12:00 PM

 2024-009 RFP Marketing and Brand Adaptation

 2024-009 Legal Ad

 2024-009 Addendum 1

 2024-008 RFQ Methanol Delivery for 2024                                                                                                                                     Closes 02/14/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-008 RFQ Methanol Delivery for 2024

 2024-008 Legal Ad

 2024-008 Notice of Intent to Award

  2024-007 RFQ Chip Seal Aggregate for 2024                                                                                                                                Closes 02/29/2024 @3:00 PM

 2024-007 RFQ Chip Seal Aggregate for 2024

 2024-007 Legal Ad

 2024-007 Addendum 1

 2024-007 Tabulation

 2024-007 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-006 RFQ Hot Mix Asphalt for 2024                                                                                                                                        Closes 02/29/2024 @3:00 PM

 2024-006 RFQ Hot Mix Asphalt for 2024

 2024-006 Legal Ad

 2024-006 Addendum 1

 2024-006 Tabulation

 2024-006 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-005 RFQ Aramid Fiber Additive for 2024                                                                                                                            Closes 02/29/2024 @3:00 PM

 2024-005 RFQ Aramid Fiber Additive for 2024

 2024-005 Legal Ad

 2024-005 Addendum 1

 2024-005 Tabulation

 2024-005 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-004 RFQ Asphalt Emulsion for 2024                                                                                                                                    Closes 02/29/2024 @3:00 PM

 2024-004 RFQ Asphalt Emulsion for 2024

 2024-004 Legal Ad

 2024-004 Addendum 1

 2024-004 Tabulation

 2024-004 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-003 RFQ Pavement Condition Survey                                                                                                                                  Closes 02/29/2024 @3:00 PM

 2024-003 RFQ Pavement Condition Survey

 2024-003 Legal Ad

 2024-003 Addendum 1

 2024-003 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-002 RFP Land Use Hearing Examiner                                                                                                                                    Closes 01/26/2024 @2:00 PM

 2024-002 RFP Land Use Hearing Examiner

 2024-002 Legal Ad

 2024-002 Plan Holders List

 2024-002 Addendum 1

 2024-002 Notice of Intent to Award

 2024-001                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 HOLD

 2023-054 RFP Kitsap County Law Librarian

 2023-054 Legal Ad

 2022-114 Exhibit C: Cost Proposal Form

 2022-114 Exhibit D: Contractor Reference Form

 2022-114 Exhibit E: Subcontractors Identification Form

 2022-114 Exhibit F: Sample Contract

 2022-114 Legal Ad

 2022-114 Addendum 1

 2022-114 Addendum 2

 2022-114 Addendum 3

 2022-114 Notice of Intent to Award

 2022-114 Tabulation