State of Arizona: KC-261-23 effective 9/6/2023
State of Washington:
Office of the Attorney General analysis: KC-06-2003 effective 4/23/2003Office of State Procurement: KC-008-10 effective 1/1/2010 through 12/31/2011Department of Enterprise Services: K1983 Master Contract Usage Agreement effective 7/16/2013Department of Enterprise Services: KC-008-10-B effective 2/11/2013Washington State Patrol: KC-057-11 effective 4/23/2011
Benton County: KC-149-99 effective 4/23/1999
Clark County: KC-315-99 and KC-06-1999 effective 7/13/1999
Douglas County: KC-329-00 effective 4/23/2000
Gray's Harbor County: KC-087-00 effective 4/23/2000
Island County: KC-420-99 and KC-024-01 effective 4/23/1999
Jefferson County: KC-457-09 and KC-07-1999 effective 4/23/2001
King County:
KC-493-21 effective 8/9/2021KC-521-04 effective 2/28/2005Kittitas County: KC-073-07 effective 1/22/2007
KC-493-21 effective 8/9/2021KC-521-04 effective 2/28/2005
Lewis County: KC-455-09 effective 6/17/1999 and 11/23/2009
Maricopa County: KC-361-23 effective 8/9/2023
Pacific County: KC-255-05 effective 4/23/2005
Pierce County: KC-327-96 effective 9/9/1996
Snohomish County: KC-304-18 effective 12/20/2018
Thurston County: KC-429-03 effective 4/23/2003
Whatcom County: KC-208-22 effective 5/9/2022
City of Bellevue: KC-159-05 effective 3/16/2005City of Bremerton:KC-318-94, KC-416-06, and KC-458-09 effective 4/23/1994KC-213-16A effective 4/9/2018City of Centralia: KC-185-97 effective 4/23/1997City of Longview: KC-157-23 effective 4/15/2023City of Lynnwood: KC-595-02 effective 4/23/2000City of Mount Vernon: KC-401-22 effective 11/14/2022City of Oak Harbor: KC-481-02 effective 4/23/2000City of Port Angeles: KC-320-05 and KC-025-12 effective 5/25/2005City of Port Orchard: KC-456-09 effective 4/23/2000City of Poulsbo: KC-108-18 effective 4/11/2018City of Seattle:KC-425-09 effective 11/9/2009KC-425-09 effective 4/23/2009City of Spokane: KC-405-94 effective 4/23/1994City of Tacoma: KC-459-09 effective 4/23/2000City of Vancouver: KC-123-19 effective 1/28/2019
KC-318-94, KC-416-06, and KC-458-09 effective 4/23/1994KC-213-16A effective 4/9/2018
KC-425-09 effective 11/9/2009KC-425-09 effective 4/23/2009
Port of Brownsville: KC-074-07 effective 1/22/2007Port of Seattle: KC-552-02 effective 4/23/2000Port of Silverdale: KC-143-21 for the Silverdale Waterfront Improvement effective 3/22/21
Puget Sound Educational Service District: KC-123-23 effective 4/10/2023Region 8 Education Service Center (Texas): KC-523-21 effective 9/13/2021University of Washington: KC-318-20 effective 9/23/2020Washington School Processing Cooperative: KC-033-03 effective 1/6/2003
Kitsap Public Utilities District: KC-585-21 effective 10/25/2021Kitsap Utilities District: KC-081-00 effective 2/14/2000Manchester Water District: KC-209-03 effective 5/21/2003Snohomish County Public Utilities District: KC-08-1995 effective 4/23/1995
Community Development: KC-045-11 and KC-046-11 effective 4/23/2011Housing Authority of Bremerton: KC-416-06 effective 10/9/2006Houston-Galveston Area Council: KC-069-08 effective 2/28/2008King County Directors' Association: KC-04-1985 and KC-464-09 effective 4/23/1985Kitsap 911: KC-129-18 effective 4/23/2018Omnia Partners: KC-458-21 effective 9/13/2021
Poulsbo Fire Department: KC-09-2009 and KC-439-09 terminated 1/6/2022
Purchasing Cooperative of America (PCA): KC-158-25 effective 2/20/2025Sourcewell: KC-692-21 effective 1/10/2022