Law Enforcement Officer & Fire Fighter Disability Board
(LEOFF 1 Disability Board)
Reimbursement Submittals
LEOFF 1 members: Continue to submit requests for reimbursement and invoices for processing via the postal service. A new expense form was created for ease of submitting reimbursements. Please download a copy here, print, complete and send in with receipts and other documentation to:
Kitsap County Risk Management
614 Division St., MS-7
Port Orchard WA 98366
Questions? Contact Jammie Clark, Kitsap County Workers' Compensation Coordinator, at
The LEOFF 1 Disability Board acts upon claims for disability, either approving or disapproving them in compliance with the provisions of RCW 41.26. This Provision provides for the payment of death, disability and retirement benefits to law enforcement officers, fire fighters, or their beneficiaries. Only claims of members who were employed prior to October 1, 1977 will be heard by LEOFF.
LEOFF Rules, Policies & Procedures
An update to the LEOFF Rules, Policies & Procedures was approved by the LEOFF 1 Board in February 2023.
View the 2023 Rules, Policies & Procedures here.
This Board was established pursuant to the authority of RCW 41.26.110 (b), and its powers, duties and responsibilities are established by state law. In the event of any conflict of these rules with state law, the latter shall govern.
Meeting Time and Location
Meetings are held as needed with location to be determined. Notice and agendas will be posted here.
The LEOFF 1 Disability Board meet at 10:30 a.m. in the Port Blakely Conference Room #370 in the Kitsap County Administration Building, 619 Division St., Port Orchard. There is also a virtual option via Teams.
To join the meeting on Teams, go to the Teams log-in site (if you don't have the app installed):
Teams Log-In Site Link
Enter the meeting ID and passcode below:
Meeting ID 296 733 689 012
Passcode 3Ji2bL6p
Public Comment may be submitted to the staff coordinator 24 hours in advance at
LEOFF 1 Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Membership of the LEOFF 1 Board
- One member from the County legislative body, selected by the County legislative body.
- One member selected from a city or town (municipal) legislative body located within the County, in which the city or town does not contain a disability board.
- One member selected from fire service agencies subject to the jurisdiction of the County disability board.
- One member selected from law enforcement agencies subject to the jurisdiction of the County disability board.
- One member from the public at large who resides within the County but does not reside within a city in which a disability board is established.
Oran Root
| Legislative Body | County Commissioners | 12/31/27
Eric Worden
| Municipal | City Mayors
| 12/31/27
Edward Boucher | Fire Service | Fire Fighters Members | 12/31/27
Don Lutes | Law Enforcement | Law Enforcement Members | 12/31/27
Tim Anderson
| Community (unincorporated area) | LEOFF 1 Board | 12/31/27