Renewal & Status Change Requirements

 Once you are approved for the Senior Citizen or Disabled Persons Property Tax Exemption program, you are also required to verify your continued eligibility by submitting a renewal application every four years.  The Assessor's Office maintains a renewal schedule and will notify those who are required to renew in May of that year.

There are now two options for filing your 2024 renewal:  *Paper forms for TY2025 are available. Online forms will be available after January 22nd*

1. Submit the paper application and supporting documents by email, mail, fax, or in person. We also have a drop box located outside of the Kitsap County Administration Building. This application will also accompany the notification that is mailed or you can print another copy below.                                          

2. Or you can submit your renewal online and upload the supporting documents. 

Change in status between renewals:

If you have changes that would affect your exemption status, during the years between your renewals, you are required to notify the Assessor's Office by completing a Status Change Form.

      Status Change Form for 2025          

     Report a Status Change Online         

A change in status could include: 

  • Death of someone currently receiving the exemption
  • Change in marital status
  • Move to a different primary residence that you own
  • Move to another home, nursing home or assisted living facility – even if temporary
  • Sale or transfer of the primary residence
  • Do not physically occupy the primary residence for more than 6 months during a calendar year
  • Change in disability status (no longer disabled or have entered into gainful employment)
Change in income - ONLY if it will affect the exemption status you are currently receiving.  This includes an annual income increase or decrease that puts you into a different category OR increases your annual income over the $65,000 limit. 

Contact us for more information.