Keeping your Business Safe!
Kitsap County values the business community, and in
partnership, we want to keep you, your business, and your customers safe.
Anytime you are moving or starting a business, we are
here to help ensure your business meets life safety concerns and reduces the likelihood of future unforeseen disasters.
Commercial/Business Permits
Below are some of the most common Commercial/Business permits:
Commercial Construction - New, Addition, Replacement
Tenant Improvement
Sign Permit
Demolition and/or Removal of a Structure
Fence - Commercial
Mechanical and Plumbing
Cell Towers and Antennas - New or Co-Locates
Waterfront Structure
Fire/Storm Damage, Same Footprint
Re-roof and/or Re-Siding
Fire Code Permits
In addition to commercial permits, some commercial projects may also need Fire Code Permits. Below is a list of some of the most common Fire Code Permits:
Getting Your Permit Started
Getting started with your permit is a simple process. Check out our Prepare, Apply, Manage page.
Risk Check - Inspection Program for Commercial Businesses

Risk Check is Kitsap County's Commercial Occupancy Fire & Life Safety Inspection Program. This program replaces the annual inspections previously conducted by the local Fire Departments. It uses a risk assessment to prioritize the frequency of inspections based on the known risk of each business. Businesses with a higher fire and life safety risk are scheduled to be inspected more frequently; for example: a hospital would be inspected more often than an office building.
For more information about this program or to work with Risk Check staff on scheduling your inspection, visit the Risk Check Page.