Olympic Workforce Development Executive Board


               The Executive Committee provides an ongoing review of the WIOA service providers to track their progress on meeting the performance outcomes that are expected in WIOA. Staff prepares a Performance Report that details the outcomes for participants, enrollments, and expenditure levels. This report provides an opportunity to consider areas that may need improvement. The Executive Committee reviews the number and types of employer services that have been provided. It also reviews the survey results from employers on their satisfaction with the WorkSource services they are receiving.

Committee Member​Sector​Term
Marilyn Hoppen, ChairBusiness0​5/01/2020 - 05/01/2025
​Monica Blackwood, Vice ChairBusiness​02/01/2024 - 2/01/2026
​Cordi FitzpatrickPublic Employment Service​11/01/2023 - 11/01/2026
Jessica BarrPublic Employment Service​05/01/2022 - 05/01/2025
Chuck Moe
Labor0​9/11/2021 - 09/01/2024


Meeting Information

​​Executive Meetings occur bi-monthly from 10:00a.m. to 11:30p.m. via 
ZOOM, see packet for more information.

2024 Executive Meeting Agenda Packets

March 12, 2024

Previous Year Agenda Packets

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020

*Meeting minutes are included in agenda packets. 

Public Comment

Members of the public wishing to comment during designated public comment periods may do so through the following options. Each member of the public is limited to three minutes of Internet, call-in, or written comments. At the discretion of the Chair, a public comment that is overly repetitive or inappropriate (vulgar, disruptive, etc.) will be ended.

Internet Users: Please click on the raise hand feature in Teams. The sound will be unmuted, and the Internet participant should announce their name. The participant will be called upon to speak at the designated time.

Call-In Users: Callers will be unmuted one at a time and asked whether the caller wishes to offer public comment. The last four digits of the call-in number will be announced, and call-in participants should announce their first and last name before speaking.

Written Comments: Written comments will be read during the public comment period if submitted via online form: OWDC Public Comment by 12:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. Comments read are limited to three minutes. To ensure written public comments are read at the proper meeting, a written statement should include: the date of the meeting the written comments are intended for; participant's first and last name; and agenda item and/or subject the written comments refer to.


Bill Dowling

Olympic Workforce Development Director


Alissa Durkin

Program Supervisor

Doug Washburn, Director
Kitsap County Human Services Department

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