What is WISe? Wrap around with intensive services, a new way to meet the needs of children on Apple Health Medicaid with mental health challenges in Washington.
Who is Eligible? WISe is available to Medicaid eligible children/youth from birth to 21 that meet Acess to Care Standards (standards used by mental health agencies to get the right level of services to individuals).
Who Identifies and Refers?
You can refer your child for a WISe screen at any time. Parents can initiate treatment, but after age 13, a child must consent to services. You should consider referring your child for a WISe screening if he/she is:
• A frequent user of the crisis line or emergency rooms, due to concerns about your child’s mental health.
• Experiencing hard to understand behaviors (such as running away or frequent arrests that are due to mental health) that are challenging to you, other caregivers, or therapist/clinician, and traditional services alone are not helping.
• Displaying an elevated risk of harm to themselves or others.
• In need of a more intensive and individualized approach to treatment.
• In need of a more flexible and engaging approach.
• Involved in multiple systems (i.e., mental health, child welfare (CPS), juvenile justice, developmental disabilities services, and/or substance use disorder treatment) and the system(s) are struggling to support your child together.
• In Special Education and/or has a 504 Plan, with multiple school suspensions for mental health and/or behavioral issues.
When is a Referral Necessary, Referral Process and Self Referral;
-More Information on WISe
-WISe Manual, Policy and Procedure
-Health Care Authority