Access common services offered by Kitsap County Government and other agencies from the comfort of your home!



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Parcel Search
Find property information in incorporated and unincorporated areas of Kitsap County in the form of maps, tables, and text. Search property using a parcel number, street address or by clicking on the displayed map. This link is not available during system maintenance (1:00am to 3:00 a.m.).
Department or Office: Information Services
Parks and Recreation - Facility Rental Information
Use this link to access useful information related to renting park facilities. To check the availability of any facility, please contact the Parks Office by phone at (360) 337-5350 during regular business hours or by email at Reservations are not confirmed until a facility reservation contract has been executed.
Department or Office: Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation - Find Your Park!
Use this link to find parks by name, by activity or by park type.
Department or Office: Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation - Frequently Asked Questions and Rules
Use this link for park rules and answers to frequently asked questions.
Department or Office: Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation - Important Park News
Get all the latest park news at this useful link.
Department or Office: Parks and Recreation
Passport Form Application (U.S. Department of State)
Use this link to apply for a United States passport on the U.S. Department of State website. The helpful Passport Application Wizard will determine which forms an applicant needs to fill out.
Department or Office: Clerk
Passport Information
Everyone traveling by land, sea, or air, between the United States and Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean region, is required to present a passport or other valid travel document to enter or re-enter the United States. Follow this link for more information.
Department or Office: Clerk's Office
Payment Options - Fines and Traffic Citations
Use this link for information about paying fines and traffic citations by credit card.
Department or Office: District Court
Payment Options - Public Works
Sewer utility and Olympic View Transfer Station customers can pay bills online, by phone, by mail, in person, or with auto-pay.
Department or Office: Public Works
Payment Options - Taxes
Click the link above to see different methods of paying your taxes.
Department or Office: Treasurer's Office
Personal Property Information
All businesses or anyone who owns property used for a business must complete a personal property listing by April 30th of each year. The listing must include a description of the property, its cost, and the acquisition date.
Department or Office: Assessor's Office
Pet Licensing
Pet licenses are issued at the Kitsap County Administration Building in Port Orchard. Click the link above for more information.
Department or Office: Auditor's Office
Petition for Road Vacation
A road vacation removes the public interest in a road right of way. The County will consider vacating a road if it is deemed there is no present or future use to the citizens of Kitsap County and the departments and agencies of Kitsap County.
Department or Office: Public Works
Prosecutor's Office - Frequently Asked Questions
Use this link to review a list of frequently asked questions related to the Prosecutor's Office.
Department or Office: Prosecutor's Office
Public Defense Attorney Resources
If you are an attorney and need a request form to authorize an investigator/expert or the quarterly certification form required by OPD, click the link above .
Department or Office: Public Defense
Public Records Disclosure Request-Admin. Services
You may request disclosure of public records from Administrative Services by completing this form.
Department or Office: Administrative Services
Public Records
How to find or request information from the Assessor's Office.
Department or Office: Assessor's Office
Public Records Search
This index of public records has recorded documents from January 1987 to present. Click the link above to access the document search page.
Department or Office: Auditor's Office