Starts with : A (7) |  |  | Address Change for Mailing Real Property Tax Statement | You may submit this form online for mailing address change. For name change, print and mail the form . This form does not legally change ownership of property. Legal documentation must accompany this form for name change. | Department or Office: Treasurer's Office |  |  |  | Adopt a Spot | Adopt a Spot is a volunteer litter cleanup program open to all ages. Families, groups and individuals make a positive impact by adopting a road, beach or trail to clean. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Adopt-A-Park Information | Follow this link for information about adopting a park in Kitsap County. | Department or Office: Parks and Recreation |  |  |  | Advisory Board Application | Anyone seeking an appointment to a Kitsap County Board, Commission, Committee or Council can apply using the Advisory Board Application | Department or Office: Volunteer Services |  |  |  | Aging and Long Term Care - Services | Use this link to get general information about aging and disability services in Kitsap County. Aging and Long Term Care staff will respond to your request directly. | Department or Office: Aging and Long-Term Care |  |  |  | Aging and Long Term Care - Upcoming Events | Use this link for a listing of upcoming events. | Department or Office: Aging and Long-Term Care |  |  |  | Appealing Your Assessed Value | If you believe that an error has been made in the valuation of your property, contact the Assessor's Office to discuss your concerns. An appraiser will review the characteristics and valuation of your property and may initiate further review. You may also be able to appeal your valuation to the Kitsap County Board of Equalization. | Department or Office: Assessor's Office |  |  Starts with : B (1) |  |  | Birth and Death Records | Washington State birth certificates are available from the Kitsap County Health District for births registered from 1921 to present. Washington State Death Certificates are available for deaths occurring in Kitsap County during the past three years. | Department or Office: Kitsap Public Health District |  |  Starts with : C (13) |  |  | Caregiver Support Centers | Use this link for location and operating hours for service centers in Port Orchard and Silverdale. | Department or Office: Aging and Long-Term Care |  |  |  | Citizens on Patrol - Volunteer Opportunity | COP (Citizens On Patrol) volunteers interact with the community and must be dedicated to helping others. Their duties are to enforce and educate the public on handicapped parking regulations and to be the eyes and ears of law enforcement. Use this link for more information and the link to apply. | Department or Office: Sheriff's Office |  |  |  | Classification as Open Space | Click the link above for information about how to classify property as Open Space. | Department or Office: Community Development |  |  |  | Classification as Timber Land | Click the link above for information about how to classify property as Timber Land. | Department or Office: Community Development |  |  |  | Clerk's Office - Forms, Kits and Instructions | Use this link to find forms, kits, and instructions related to services offered through the County Clerk's office. | Department or Office: Clerk's Office |  |  |  | Commission on Children and Youth | The Kitsap County Commission on Children and Youth was established in 1988 by the Board of Commissioners by Resolution No. 172-1988. The Board acted on the recommendation of the local Youth 2000 Forum, whose participants were concerned about the rising rate of school dropout, a shrinking labor pool, and other youth-related problems. | Department or Office: Human Services |  |  |  | Concealed Weapon Permit | This page provides information related to the requirement and processes for carrying concealed weapons. It also includes information for firearms dealers as well as firearms licenses for non-immigrant aliens. | Department or Office: Sheriff's Office |  |  |  | Concurrency Test Application | An applicant for any development not exempt, needs a concurrency test performed as part of their application for new development. New development is generally in the three categories of single family residence, multi-family residential, and commercial. An applicant is required to complete an Application for Concurrency Test. The long range goal of the Concurrency Management system is to preserve and maintain the Level of Service on County roads. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Coroner's Office | Follow this link to reach the County Coroner's office website. | Department or Office: Coroner's Office |  |  |  | A | Main County site | Department or Office: Information Services |  |  |  | Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Program | Trained volunteers who would be appointed by a judge to speak up for the best interests of a child. Now, there are approximately 52,000 CASA volunteers helping abused and neglected children all across the country. But 3/4 of the children who need a CASA don't have one. You can help those girls and boys have a voice in court and a chance at a future. Click the link above for more information. | Department or Office: Juvenile Services |  |  |  | Court Date | Use this search to find out when you need to appear in district or municipal court. The search tool returns a case summary and, where applicable, calendar information and a list of case activities (docket). | Department or Office: District Court |  |  |  | Courthouse Facilitators | The Courthouse Facilitators assist pro se litigants (persons who are not represented by attorneys) in Domestic Relations cases in selecting and reviewing forms, and with procedural instructions. The Facilitators are available by appointment only. Follow this link for more information. | Department or Office: Clerk's Office |  |  Starts with : D (4) |  |  | Developmental Disabilities Program | The mission of Kitsap County Developmental Disabilities is to promote choice, opportunity and support for persons with disabilities in an enhanced community where all people are included, respected and dignified. | Department or Office: Human Services |  |  |  | Disclosure of Public Records Request Form | You may request disclosure of public records by completing this form. | Department or Office: Administrative Services |  |  |  | Domestic Violence Assistance | If you or someone you know is currently in danger call 9-1-1 immediately. Domestic violence orders of protection may be obtained in the Clerk's office. You will need to come in to the Clerk's office to complete paperwork and submit them to the Court between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Follow this link for forms and additional resources. | Department or Office: Clerk's Office |  |  |  | Driving Record | Use this link to learn how to request a copy of your driving record. | Department or Office: District Court |  |  Starts with : E (4) |  |  | Excise Tax Affidavit (Mobile Home) | The Washington State Department of Revenue Forms. | Department or Office: Treasurer's Office |  |  |  | Excise Tax Affidavit (Real Estate) | The Washington State Department of Revenue Forms. | Department or Office: Treasurer's Office |  |  |  | Excise-Gift Supplemental Form | The Washington State Department of Revenue Forms. | Department or Office: Treasurer's Office |  |  |  | Exemptions for Property Tax, Tax Relief | Washington State law provides limited property tax relief to specific classes of individuals and/or types of property. | Department or Office: Assessor's Office |  |  Starts with : F (3) |  |  | Field Rental Application Form | This form is used to rent sport fields which are part of the County Parks Department. | Department or Office: Parks and Recreation |  |  |  | Filing Fees | Follow this link for a listing of filing fees charged by the Clerk's Office. | Department or Office: Clerk's Office |  |  |  | Food Worker Information | A food worker card is required to work in a food service establishment. Click on the link above for more information. | Department or Office: Kitsap Public Health District |  |  Starts with : G (6) |  |  | Find a garbage and recycling drop-off site | Find information about using Olympic View Transfer Station or other Recycling and Garbage facilities. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Learn how to set up home garbage and recycling services for houses or apartments. | Garbage and Recycling Collection Service for Houses or Apartments | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | EnviroStars | Receive recycling and waste reduction assistance from the EnviroStars program. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | | Contact your garbage & recycling service provider with questions or complaints about service or billing. If you need extra help with resolving your issue: *City customers (except Bainbridge Island) should contact their city government. *County and Bainbridge Island Residents can file a complaint with the WA Utilities & Transportation Commission. 1-888-333-WUTC (9882) or consumer@utc.wa.gov | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Geographical Information Services | Kitsap County has collected information that can be related to property located in both incorporated and unincorporated areas. Follow this link for real property search tools . | Department or Office: Information Services |  |  |  | Guardianship Forms | Guardianship forms must be completed in their entirety prior to your hearing. Incomplete forms will cause delays and may possibly result in the need to reschedule your hearing. Follow this link to access forms and instructions. | Department or Office: Superior Court |  |  Starts with : H (6) |  |  | Learn about hazardous waste disposal for businesses | Businesses (non-profit and for-profit) that produces small quantities of hazardous waste can use our Small Quantity Generation (SQG) assistance program to receive disposal assistance. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Learn how to dispose of hazardous household products | Take unwanted hazardous household products to this free drop-off facility for residents. Products with labels like caution, warning, danger, toxic, or poison need special handling and disposal. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Health District - Clinical Services | Use the link above to access clinical services offered by the Kitsap County Health District | Department or Office: Kitsap Public Health District |  |  |  | Health District - Location and Hours | Use the link above to find the location and hours of operation for the Kitsap County Health District. | Department or Office: Kitsap Public Health District |  |  |  | Health District - Request for Public Records | Request public records from the Kitsap County Health District with this form. | Department or Office: Kitsap Public Health District |  |  |  | Homeless and Low Income Resource Guide | If you are homeless and need guidance on shelter, housing, available resources or what to do next call 2-1-1, or contact the Salvation Army at 360-373-5550. | Department or Office: Salvation Army |  |  Starts with : I (1) |  |  | Report Illegal Dumping or Garbage Issues | Use this online form to reporting illegal dumping or garbage issues. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  Starts with : J (8) |  |  | Jail Information | Use this link to view information about the Kitsap County Corrections Division, the County jail, and a listing of frequently asked questions . | Department or Office: Corrections Division |  |  |  | Judicial Services and Information | Follow this link for contact information regarding judicial and social and health services provided in Kitsap County. | Department or Office: Public Defense |  |  |  | Jury Duty - Court Locations | Follow this link for the locations of Kitsap County Courts . | Department or Office: Clerk's Office |  |  |  | Jury Duty - Instructions | Follow this link for important information about Jury duty . | Department or Office: Clerk's Office |  |  |  | Jury Duty - Online Response to Summons | Follow this link to respond to your Jury duty summons online . | Department or Office: Clerk's Office |  |  |  | Juvenile Services Department | The Juvenile Department/Superior Court is committed to providing innovative, comprehensive, and effective services to youth, families, schools and the community within a quality work environment, by professional, caring staff. Click the link above to go to the home page. | Department or Office: Juvenile Services |  |  |  | Juvenile Services Department - Non Offender Unit | Click on this link for information and services for non-offender juveniles. | Department or Office: Juvenile Services |  |  |  | Juvenile Services Department - Offender Unit | The Offender Unit is responsible for holding youth accountable for their criminal behavior, providing services and interventions to promote positive changes in the attitudes and behaviors of youth on the community supervision, protecting the community from criminal behavior, and restoring the victims of crime. Click on this link to access offender services. | Department or Office: Juvenile Services |  |  Starts with : K (2) |  |  | Kitsap County Council for Human Rights | The Kitsap County Board of Commissioners formed the Kitsap County Council for Human Rights in 1989 following a cross-burning incident. The purpose and establishment of the Council was affirmed in County Resolution No. 451-1994. The Council's vision is that Kitsap County shall be a caring, supportive, and safe community which values each individual, celebrates individual differences, and recognizes the importance of each person's contribution to the community. | Department or Office: Human Services |  |  |  | Kitsap County Recovery Center | Kitsap Recovery Center (KRC), located in East Bremerton, provides both inpatient and outpatient substance abuse treatment services | Department or Office: Human Services |  |  Starts with : L (2) |  |  | Law Enforcement Agencies | Use this link for a listing of law enforcement agencies in Kitsap County. | Department or Office: Prosecutor's Office |  |  |  | Law Library - Washington State | Use this link to access the Washington State Law Library. | Department or Office: District Court |  |  Starts with : M (5) |  |  | Mandatory Parenting Classes | Effective September 1, 2005, Kitsap County Local Superior Court Rules (KCLFLR 10) require that parents involved in dissolution and/or legal separation actions (and certain paternity actions) who have minor children must attend mandatory parenting seminars. Follow this link for more information. | Department or Office: Clerk's Office |  |  |  | Marriage Licensing | Marriage licenses are issued at the Kitsap County Administration Building in Port Orchard. Click the link above for more information. | Department or Office: Auditor's Office |  |  |  | Medication Management Information | Use this link to find information that seniors and their caregivers can use in their daily care of medication management including how medications are affected by aging, managing medications and the risk factors for medication-related problems. | Department or Office: Aging and Long-Term Care |  |  |  | Moving a Mobile Home | Call Kitsap 1 (360.337.5777) and ask about an oversized load permit. You must also obtain a Mobile Home Move Permit application here as required by RCW 46.44.170. Once you complete the application bring it to the Treasurer's Office at 619 Division Street for processing. | Department or Office: Public Works, Treasurer's Office |  |  |  | Municipal Court Contact Information | Use this link to find the locations and contact information for Municipal Courts in and around Kitsap County. | Department or Office: Public Defense |  |  Starts with : N (1) |  |  | No Contact Order | No Contact Orders are password protected and can be viewed by those who have been given a log in name and password. Follow this link to view No Contact Orders. | Department or Office: District Court |  |  Starts with : P (18) |  |  | Parcel Search | Find property information in incorporated and unincorporated areas of Kitsap County in the form of maps, tables, and text. Search property using a parcel number, street address or by clicking on the displayed map. This link is not available during system maintenance (1:00am to 3:00 a.m.). | Department or Office: Information Services |  |  |  | Parks and Recreation - Facility Rental Information | Use this link to access useful information related to renting park facilities. To check the availability of any facility, please contact the Parks Office by phone at (360) 337-5350 during regular business hours or by email at parks@co.kitsap.wa.us. Reservations are not confirmed until a facility reservation contract has been executed. | Department or Office: Parks and Recreation |  |  |  | Parks and Recreation - Find Your Park! | Use this link to find parks by name, by activity or by park type. | Department or Office: Parks and Recreation |  |  |  | Parks and Recreation - Frequently Asked Questions and Rules | Use this link for park rules and answers to frequently asked questions. | Department or Office: Parks and Recreation |  |  |  | Parks and Recreation - Important Park News | Get all the latest park news at this useful link. | Department or Office: Parks and Recreation |  |  |  | Passport Form Application (U.S. Department of State) | Use this link to apply for a United States passport on the U.S. Department of State website. The helpful Passport Application Wizard will determine which forms an applicant needs to fill out. | Department or Office: Clerk |  |  |  | Passport Information | Everyone traveling by land, sea, or air, between the United States and Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean region, is required to present a passport or other valid travel document to enter or re-enter the United States. Follow this link for more information. | Department or Office: Clerk's Office |  |  |  | Payment Options - Fines and Traffic Citations | Use this link for information about paying fines and traffic citations by credit card. | Department or Office: District Court |  |  |  | Payment Options - Public Works | Sewer utility and Olympic View Transfer Station customers can pay bills online, by phone, by mail, in person, or with auto-pay. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Payment Options - Taxes | Click the link above to see different methods of paying your taxes. | Department or Office: Treasurer's Office |  |  |  | Personal Property Information | All businesses or anyone who owns property used for a business must complete a personal property listing by April 30th of each year. The listing must include a description of the property, its cost, and the acquisition date. | Department or Office: Assessor's Office |  |  |  | Pet Licensing | Pet licenses are issued at the Kitsap County Administration Building in Port Orchard. Click the link above for more information. | Department or Office: Auditor's Office |  |  |  | Petition for Road Vacation | A road vacation removes the public interest in a road right of way. The County will consider vacating a road if it is deemed there is no present or future use to the citizens of Kitsap County and the departments and agencies of Kitsap County. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Prosecutor's Office - Frequently Asked Questions | Use this link to review a list of frequently asked questions related to the Prosecutor's Office. | Department or Office: Prosecutor's Office |  |  |  | Public Defense Attorney Resources | If you are an attorney and need a request form to authorize an investigator/expert or the quarterly certification form required by OPD, click the link above . | Department or Office: Public Defense |  |  |  | Public Records Disclosure Request-Admin. Services | You may request disclosure of public records from Administrative Services by completing this form. | Department or Office: Administrative Services |  |  |  | Public Records | How to find or request information from the Assessor's Office. | Department or Office: Assessor's Office |  |  |  | Public Records Search | This index of public records has recorded documents from January 1987 to present. Click the link above to access the document search page. | Department or Office: Auditor's Office |  |  Starts with : R (8) |  |  | Real Property Sales | The County Treasurer's Office conducts real property auctions. This portion of the web offers general information on tax foreclosure, public auctions, research resources, tax-title and County-owned land and has a list of frequently asked questions. | Department or Office: Treasurer's Office |  |  |  | What Do I Do With It? Online recycling and disposal guide | Online guide for recycling and disposing of household items. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Report a Crime Online | At the request of the Sheriff and Police Chiefs in Kitsap County, a new on-line reporting system has been installed by Kitsap 911. The system is called COPLOGIC and allows citizens to prepare their own report by using a web-based form in the following types of cases where there is no known suspect. | Department or Office: Sheriff's Office |  |  |  | Right-of-Way Permit Application | Any construction activity within county right-of-way requires a valid “Permit to Perform Work in County Right of Way”. To obtain a permit, submit an application and five copies of the construction plans to Public Works for review and processing. Once the permit has been issued, a copy must be available for inspection at the construction site for the term of the permit (or permit period). | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Right-of-Way Permit Status | To check the status of a Right-of-Way enter a permit number, applicant name, parcel number, contractor name, project name or job number in the appropriate search field. This database is limited to permits submitted after April 2002. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Road Construction Plan and Bid Documents | Project plans, specifications, bid documents and plan holder’s lists for county road projects currently open to bid are available, as well as bid results from the current calendar year. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Road Name Sign Order Form | For a $120 fee, Public Works will manufacture and install private road signs where they intersect with a County road. All private road signs requests must be first verified with the County addressing staff (Community Development). The County will maintain and replace the sign if stolen (at no extra charge). | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Roadside Memorial Order Form | The family or friends of those who died in a vehicle or vehicle-related incident on a county road may apply to have a memorial sign placed within the county right-of-way. The Traffic Division will place two signs, one for each direction, as close to the accident location as possible without creating a hazard for other motorists. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  Starts with : S (11) |  |  | Senior Information and Assistance | Use the link to access an informative guide to senior services and opportunities. | Department or Office: Human Services |  |  |  | Septic Systems - Onsite Sewage Program | Click on the link above to access information about the Health District's On-site Sewage Program. You'll find information about proper design, installation and maintenance of on-site sewage systems. | Department or Office: Kitsap Public Health District |  |  |  | Sewer | The Sewer Utility Division operates four sewage treatment plants and maintains 58 pump stations, 148 miles of gravity pipe, 37 miles of force mains and 3,775 manholes in Kitsap County. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Sheriff's Office - Booked in the Last 72 Hours | Use this link to view the "Booked in the Last 72 Hours" listing | Department or Office: Sheriff's Office |  |  |  | Sheriff's Office - Jail Inmate Roster | Use this link to view the in custody listing | Department or Office: Sheriff's Office |  |  |  | Sheriff's Office - Released in the Last 24 Hours | Use this link to view the "Released in the Last 24 Hours" listing | Department or Office: Sheriff's Office |  |  |  | Learn how to apply for the summer employment program | Earn money, build a resume, & get your foot in the door! College student employees in the Public Works Department help plan, maintain, & operate Kitsap County's roads & public utilities. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Substance Abuse Prevention Program | The Substance Abuse Prevention Program (KCSAAP) was first established by the Kitsap County Board of Commissioners in 1990 to develop needed substance abuse prevention resources and to support and assist with the coordination of existing prevention programs and services for youth, families, schools and communities. | Department or Office: Human Services |  |  |  | Superior Court Case Search | Follow this link to search for a Superior Court case. | Department or Office: Superior Court |  |  |  | Superior Court Daily Calendar | Follow this link to the Superior Court page. Click on the "Today's Calendars" link on the right sidebar for the daily calendar. | Department or Office: Superior Court |  |  |  | Superior Court Local Court Rules | Follow this link to a document that explains different rules for actions in Superior Court. | Department or Office: Superior Court |  |  Starts with : T (2) |  |  | Tax Payment Options | Click the link for tax payment options. | Department or Office: Treasurer's Office |  |  |  | Trails and Bike Routes | Follow this link for a listing of trails and bike route maps. You'll also find links to the County's bike route and Mosquito Fleet Trail plan. | Department or Office: Parks and Recreation |  |  Starts with : V (9) |  |  | Valuation of Property - Where Are The Appraisers Now? | The Assessor is required by law to assess all taxable property at 100% of market value. Property is physically inspected at least once every 6 years, with annual sales analysis of the real estate market. Click on the link to find out what areas are being physically inspected now. | Department or Office: Assessor's Office |  |  |  | Vehicle and Boat Licensing | Vehicle and boat licenses are issued at the Kitsap County Administration Building in Port Orchard. Click the link above for more information. | Department or Office: Auditor's Office |  |  |  | Veteran's Assistance Program | Use this link for veteran programs and assistance available in Kitsap County. | Department or Office: Human Services |  |  |  | Victim Assistance | Use this link to access information useful to victims of crime. | Department or Office: Prosecutor's Office |  |  |  | VINE - Victim Information and Notification Everyday | What will VINE do for me? VINE will tell you if an offender is in the custody of the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office Jail and will give you other important custody information. VINE will allow you to leave a phone number where you want to be called, automatically when that offender is released, transferred, escapes, or any other change in custody status occurs. | Department or Office: Sheriff's Office |  |  |  | Volunteer Application | Volunteers, by generously giving their time, extend county services with their commitment to the community. | Department or Office: Administrative Services |  |  |  | Volunteer Services | The Kitsap County Volunteer Program places hundreds of people each year throughout county departments and on county and community advisory groups. Volunteers, by generously giving their time, extend county services with their commitment to the community. | Department or Office: Administrative Services |  |  |  | Voter Information for Military Dependents and Oversea Voters | When you leave the country your voting rights go with you. Click the link above for information about how to vote while serving or living overseas. | Department or Office: Auditor's Office |  |  |  | Voter Registration | Click the link above for voter registration information. You will find information about registration options, deadlines, and what to do if you move or change your name. | Department or Office: Auditor's Office |  |  Starts with : W (4) |  |  | Washington State Jail Rosters | Follow this link for a list of City and County jail rosters. | Department or Office: Public Defense |  |  |  | Water Quality - Stream Advisories | Some streams in Kitsap County are so polluted with bacteria that the Health District advises the public to avoid contact with them. Use the link above to learn more about these streams. | Department or Office: Kitsap Public Health District |  |  |  | What Do I Do With It? (Recycling table) | The “What Do I Do With It” recycling table lists donation, recycling or paid disposal options for common household items. | Department or Office: Public Works |  |  |  | Will Repository Cover Sheet | Use this form to deposit a will with the clerk. It is not required by law that a will be deposited with the clerk. The acceptance of a will for safekeeping by the clerk in no way ensures the validity of any provisions contained in the will, nor does acceptance in any way enhance the force or effect of the will. | Department or Office: Clerk |  |