Facilitator Information

Courthouse Facilitators

The Facilitators CAN:The Facilitators CANNOT:

Review paperwork that a party has completed or partially completed


Fill out forms for the party

untitled.png Identify and help locate state or local forms to use in family law or guardianship cases X.png

Tell the party what to say

untitled.png Explain the steps (procedures) a party must complete to schedule a court hearing X.png Give legal advice
untitled.png Explain the steps (procedures) a party must complete to respond to court pleadings or notice of a court hearing filed by the other party X.png Provide assistance with Adoptions (including step parent adoption), Wills or Probate cases, Landlord-Tenant (Eviction) cases, Civil lawsuits, Bankruptcy, or Criminal cases
untitled.png ​Assist with settlement and trial preparation X.png Represent a party in court
untitled.png Compute child support calculations X.png Assist anyone who is represented by an attorney


The Facilitators DO NOT complete your forms for you.  You should obtain and fill out forms BEFORE scheduling an appointment with a Facilitator. For information regarding forms click here. The paperwork should be filled out to the best of your ability.  You will have the time during the appointment to ask questions about the sections you do not understand but the facilitator will not fill out the paperwork for you. The facilitators cannot give you substantive legal advice, only procedural advice and cannot act as your attorney.

Zoom or Telephone Appointments

Copies of your paperwork need to be provided to the facilitator before the appointment.  You may Email your paperwork (address to be provided in appointment confirmation) or there is a "Facilitator"  drop box located outside of the Clerk's Office (Room 202) for your convenience.  Please send whole documents in PDF or Word format. Links or photos will NOT be accepted.

In Person Appointments

 If you are looking for the soonest appointment possible, you will need to check each facilitator's calendar separately (you will not be able to see Becky's and Shauna's calendars at the same time).

 If scheduling an in-person appointment, we ask that you:

  • Do not bring any children with you. (Due to space limitations these appointments are limited to no more than 2 adults)
  • Do not enter the courthouse and reschedule your appointment if you have felt sick and/or have been exposed to COVID within the last 14 days

Pre-Payment Required to Schedule an Appointment



**Advance payment is required to schedule an appointment with a Courthouse Facilitator**

Refunds are NOT provided for cancelled or missed appointments. 

If you need to reschedule your appointment, you must make your request before your original appointment is scheduled to begin. If you created an AppointmentPlus login you can reschedule your appointment using that portal. If you did not create a login you can make your rescheduling request by calling (360)337-7260 (option 2) or by e-mailing:  Clerk_Facilitator@kitsap.gov

   The fee for an appointment is $40.00*

 To pay for a Courthouse Facilitator appointment, click the Point&Pay button below


The following information may help you better navigate the Point&Pay website:

You may, but you do not have to register or create an account to use Point&Pay

                  • Select “Facilitator Appointment” as the Payment Type; select the type of appointment you scheduled. 

                  • If you are meeting with a facilitator about an existing Kitsap County Superior Court case, please enter that case number when prompted to do so.

                  • The payment amount should be entered as $40.00*.

                  • Point & Pay will add the $2.00 convenience fee and ask you to confirm the fee later. 

                  • You will be given a confirmation number on your printable receipt which must be provided when scheduling your appointment through Appointment Plus

                    * A reduced fee of $25.00 is available for those who receive benefits from a needs-based program such as TANF, Food Stamps or SSI.  Proof of income will be requested.

   To schedule an appointment with the Courthouse Facilitator,

click the Book Now button below 

Book an appointment with Kitsap County Facilitator Office

Powered by AppointmentPlus

If you need assistance in finding forms, please click here. 

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Courthouse Facilitators

Becky Turbyfill

Shauna Johnson

Shauna facilitator pic (2).jpg

As announced in April, the Superior Court has adopted changes in remote and in-person appearances, effective July 3, 2023.  The Superior Court website has been updated with further details regarding appearance requirements on specific calendars. The site includes a process and guidelines for seeking exceptions to mandatory in-person appearances.  All updated information regarding these changes may be found at:  https://www.kitsap.gov/sc/Pages/remoteappearance.aspx.

Forms, Kits and Instructions
Find out about Kitsap County Do-It-Yourself kits for family law matters and links to Washington Pattern Forms, Kitsap County Local Court Rule forms, and State and Local Court Rules. 


Child Support Calculation Tool

Parenting Seminar
Parties involved in dissolution, legal separation and certain paternity actions who have minor children must attend a mandatory parenting seminar.

 Local Court Rule KCLFLR 11:

Unless presented by an attorney, no final Decree, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, Parenting Plan, Order of Child Support and Worksheets, Order of Modification or other final pleadings in Family Law cases shall be presented to the Court without written verification that all such pleadings have been reviewed as to form by an attorney, the Kitsap County Courthouse Facilitator, or Kitsap Legal Services. This requirement may be waived by the Court for good cause shown.

Local Court Rule KCLFLR 98.25:

Unless presented by an attorney, no temporary or final orders in Guardianship and Conservatorship cases shall be presented to the Court without written verification that all such pleadings have been reviewed as to form by an attorney, the Kitsap County Courthouse Facilitator, or Kitsap Legal Services. This requirement may be waived by the Court for good cause shown.

Other Resources to help you represent yourself in your family law matter

The Courthouse Facilitator Program