Current Road Projects Open For Bid

To subscribe to the County's Electronic Notification System OR To be added to the Plan Holders List

Bahia Vista Landslide Repair

Installation of soldier pile wall, stormwater improvements and roadway repair.​

3701Michele Filley, mfilley@kitsap.gov4/1/2025 11:00 AMClick Here Click Here Click Here
SR 104 Holding Lanes - ATMS

Ferry Traffic Holding Lane & Active Traffic Management System.

1636Tina Nelson, knelson@kitsap.gov3/11/2025 11:00 AMClick HereClick HereClick Here
Suquamish Regional Stormwater Treatment Facility

​Stormwater Improvement Project

Stormwater Project # 97003141Matthew Oxford, moxford@kitsap.gov3/18/2025 11:00 AMClick HereClick HereClick Here

To be added to the Plan Holders list

To be added to the Plan Holders list >>Click here<< or call Kitsap1 at 360.337.5777 for assistance. Please allow up to 24 hours for your information to be updated to the plan holders list.

Bidders Responsibility

​It is the bidders responsibility to acknowledge any Addenda on their proposal. Bidders are advised that a proposal may be considered irregular and may be rejected if receipt of Addenda is not acknowledged on their proposal.

Bidders shall use the Proposal Form provided by Kitsap County Public Works for the project. To obtain a paper copy of the bid proposal package, please call 360-337-5777 or email at

Bid Results

Projects are awarded to the lowest bidder unless otherwise stated 


​Silverdale Way Preservation (CRP 3686)
AWARD: Contract was awarded to Miles Resources, LLC on February 13, 2025


2024 County Safety Guardrail Project (CRP 5046)
​Glenwood Rd SW Corridor Improvement (CRP 2618)
AWARD: Contract was awarded to Rodarte Construction, Inc. on February 14, 2024
Fairgrounds Road Sidewalk Improvements (CRP 3664)
AWARD: Contract was awarded to Sound Pacific Construction, LLC on February 14, 2024
​East Hilldale Road - Culvert (CRP 2624)
AWARD: Contract was awarded to Tucci & Sons, Inc. on January 26, 2024


​Newberry Hill Road Culvert (CRP 3684)
AWARD: Contract was awarded to Seton Construction, Inc. on December 21, 2023
​National Ave & Loxie Eagans Blvd Safety and Overlay Improvements (CRP 2612)
AWARD: Contract was awarded to Miles Resources, LLC on December 1, 2023.
Burley Olalla - Bandix to Fagerud Preservation (CRP 2627)
AWARD: Contract was awarded to Miles Resources on November 8, 2023
North Kitsap Service Center (CRP 1632)
AWARD: Contract was awarded to Clark Construction Inc. on July 27, 2023
​2025 Pavement Preservation West Kingston Road (CRP 1634)
AWARD: Contract was awarded to Lakeside Industries, Inc. on June 16, 2023
​Kingston Regional Stormwater Facilities (Stormwater Project No. 97003138)
​Taylor Road Bridge Painting and Epoxy (CRP 3697)
AWARD DATE: Contract was awarded to Massana Construction on February 3, 2023


​Scandia Road NW Culvert Replacement (CRP 1630)
Taylor Road Bridge Painting and Epoxy (CRP 3697)
Please Note: The County intends to reject all bids for this project
​NW Greaves Way and Old Frontier Rd NW Roundabout (CRP 3696)
AWARD DATE: Contract was awarded to MIles Resources, Inc on December 28, 2022
​Lake Helena Rd/Wicks Lake Rd Culvert Replacements (CRP 2589)
​County Road Improvement District 41 Alpinwood Place SE (CRP 2622)
Please note: The County intends to reject all bids for this project
2022 Countywide Guardrail Safety (CRP 5043)
​2021 Guardrail Replacement (CRP 5037) 
AWARD DATE: Contract was awarded to M2 Industrial, Inc. on June 28, 2022
​Taylor Road Bridge Painting and Epoxy (CRP 3697)
No bids were received.
​Anderson/Provost/Old Frontier Intersection Improvements (CRP 3674)
​Central Valley Road Non-Motorized Improvement Project (CRP 3695)
AWARD DATE: Contract was awarded to Miles Resources, Inc. on May 4, 2022
​Olympiad Drive Culvert Replacement (CRP 2586)
AWARD DATE: Contract was awarded to Active Construction, Inc. on February 2, 2022
​2022 Preservation Project - Glenwood Road & Holly Road (CRP 5036)


​NW Golf Club Hill Road Culvert Replacement - Phase 2 
AWARD DATE: Contract was awarded to Port Madison Construction Corporation on June 28, 2021
​Washington Boulevard Stabilization Project - CRP #1611
Seabeck Highway #2 Overlay and Widening Improvement Project - CRP 3680


​Bethel Burley Road Culvert Replacement Project - CRP 2592
Olalla Valley Road Preservation Project - CRP 2619
​2019 Guardrail Replacement Project - CRP 5035
Jackson Ave SE and Salmonberry Rd SE Intersection Improvement Project - CRP 2591

Bay Shore Drive And Washington Ave NW Roadway And Utility Improvement Project - CRP 3668

AWARD DATE: Contract was awarded to Ceccanti, Inc. on April 20, 2020.


Washington Boulevard Improvements Project - CRP 1595
2017 Safety - Guardrail Project - CRP 5032
Ridgetop Boulevard Phase 2 Improvements Project - CRP 1593
​2019 County Wide Guardrail Safety Improvement Project - CRP 5034


Small Works Roster 

County Road Improvement District 41 Alpinwood Place SE (CRP 2622)
AWARD DATE: Contract was awarded to Miles Resources, LLC on November 9, 2022

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Kitsap County Department of Public Works Roads Division assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and as amended, and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (P.I. 100.259) be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance from the Washington State Department of Transportation. For Title VI information, to locate our Title VI plan, and to learn how to file a complaint, please visit our Title VI Page. Contact Kitsap1 at 360.337.5777 or email for more information.