Forest Resource Lands

Quick Reference Guide

Here is a quick reference guide to your zone. This information is a summary of your zone’s purpose, allowed uses, density, dimensions, and setbacks. 

This information summarizes Kitsap County Code and is subject to change. For full information about your zone, please see the Official Kitsap County Code.

In all permit-related decisions, the Official Kitsap County Code governs.

​   Purpose

The primary land use allowed in this zone is commercial timber production and harvesting. This zone is further intended to discourage activities and facilities which can be considered detrimental to the production and commercial harvest of timber. Residents located within or adjacent to the forest resource lands zone (FRL) shall recognize that they can be subject to normal and accepted forestry practices on parcels located within this zone.

   Special Provisions

All plats, short plats, development permits and building permits issued for land development activities on or within five hundred feet of designated forest resource lands (FRL) shall contain the following notice:

The subject property is within or near land in which timber production and harvest activities are permitted and encouraged, including a variety of activities which may not be compatible with residential use for certain periods of limited duration. In addition to other activities, these may include noise, dust, smoke, visual impacts and odors resulting from harvesting, planting, application of fertilizers, herbicides and associated reclamation and management activities. When performed in accordance with state and federal law, these resource activities are not subject to legal action as a nuisance.

Classification of zone ​ ​ ​

​Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation

​Zone Classification

​Map Symbol

Minimum ​Density

​Maximum Density

​Forest Resource Lands​​Forest Resource Lands​FRL​NA1 dwelling unit/40 acres​

Allowed primary agricultural uses and accessory agricultural uses or agritourism are defined by the Agricultural Code


The following letters and symbols have the following meanings when they appear in the box at the intersection of the column and the row.

Permitted Use
Land uses allowed outright within a zone and subject to provisions within Kitsap County Code.
Administrative Conditional Use Permit
Land uses which may be permitted within a zoning designation following review by the director to establish conditions mitigating impacts of the use and to ensure compatibility with other uses in the designation.
Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit
Land uses with special characteristics that may not generally be appropriate within a zoning designation but may be permitted subject to review by the hearing examiner to establish conditions to protect public health, safety and welfare.
Performance Based Development
To allow flexibility in design and creative site planning, while providing for the orderly development of the county.
Prohibited Use
Land uses specifically enumerated as prohibited within a zone.


Categorical Use 
Categorial Use Standards

​Accessory dwelling unit, attached 

17.110.017 Accessory dwelling unit, attached

17.415.010 Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) located in an Urban Growth Area

17.415.015 Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) located outside an Urban Growth Area.

​Accessory dwelling unit, detached 
​17.110.017 Accessory dwelling unit, attached
​17.415.010 Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) located in an Urban Growth Area

17.415.015 Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) located outside an Urban Growth Area
​Caretaker dwelling 
17.110.150 Caretaker dwelling
17.415.100 Caretaker
​Guest house
17.110.317 Guest house.
​17.415.260 Guest house.
Dwelling, family living
​Cottage housing development
17.110.196 Cottage housing development
​17.415.135 Cottage housing development.


​17.110.245 Duplex
17.415.160 Duplex
park- model/tiny home park

17.110.467 Manufactured/mobile/RV/park-model/tiny home park
17.415.305 Manufactured/mobile/RV/park-model/tiny home park.
​Mobile home
​17.110.490 Mobile home
17.415.360 Mobile home
​Multiple family
​17.110.504 Multiple-family
17.415.365 Multiple family
​Single-family attached
17.110.682 Single-family attached
​17.415.495 Single-family attached dwelling.
​Single-family detached (includes manufactured homes)
17.110.683 Dwelling, single-family detached.

17.110.470 Manufactured home
​17.415.500 Single-family detached dwelling (includes manufactured homes).
​Dwelling, group living
​Adult family home

17.110.045 Adult family home.

17.415.030 Adult family home.
​Group Living (1 to 6 rooms)
​17.110.318 Group living 
17.415.250 Group Living (1 to 6 rooms)
​Group Living (7 or more rooms)
​17.110.318 Group living
​17.415.255 Group Living (7 or more rooms)
​Permanent transitory accommodations, small, large, safe parks, and indoor
17.110.726  Transitory accommodations
​17.415.550 Transitory accommodations
Other Residential Uses

Bed and breakfast house, 1-4 rooms
17.110.105 Bed and breakfast house
17.415.080 Bed and breakfast house
​Bed and breakfast house, 5 or more rooms or serves meals to non-overnight guests
17.110.105 Bed and breakfast house
17.415.080 Bed and breakfast house
​Home business, incidental
17.110.345 Home business
​17.415.275 Home business
​Home business, minor
17.110.345 Home business
17.415.275 Home business
​Home business, moderate
17.110.345 Home business
​17.415.275 Home business
​Vacation rentals, 1-4 rooms
17.110.738  Vacation rental
17.415.570 Vacation rentals
​Vacation rentals, 5 or more rooms
​ --
17.110.738  Vacation rental
​17.415.570 Vacation rentals


Categorical Use 
Categorial Use Standards
​Hotels or Hospitality
​Adult entertainment
​17.110.043 Adult entertainment
17.415.025 Adult Entertainment
​Conference center
17.110.177 Conference center
17.415.125 Conference center
​Drinking establishments
​17.110.229 Drinking establishments
​17.415.155 Drinking establishments

Espresso stands
17.110.267  Espresso stands
​17.415.190 Espresso stands
​Event facility
​17.110.269  Event facility
​17.415.185 Event facility
​17.110.361 Hotel/motel
​17.415.285 Hotel/motel
​17.110.661  Resort
17.415.440 Resort
​Restaurants, with drive-thru service
17.110.662 Restaurant, with drive-thru service
17.415.445 Restaurant, with drive-through service
​Restaurants, without drive-thru service
17.110.663 Restaurant, without drive-thru service
17.415.450  Restaurants, without drive-through service
​Auction house
​17.110.091 Auction house
17.415.055 Auction house
​Automobile, mobile home, recreational vehicle, or boat sales 
17.110.096 Automobile, recreational vehicle or boat sales
​17.415.060 Automobile, mobile home, recreational vehicle, or boat sales
​Automobile, recreational vehicle or boat rentals
​17.110.650 Recreational vehicle
​17.415.065 Automobile, recreational vehicle or boat rentals
​Equipment sales, rentals and repair, heavy

17.110.263  Equipment sales, rentals and repair, heavy
​17.415.175 Equipment sales, rentals and repair, heavy
​Equipment sales, rentals and repair, light
​17.110.264  Equipment sales, rentals and repair, light
​17.415.180 Equipment sales, rentals and repair, light
​Equipment sales, rentals and repair, recreational 
​17.110.266  Equipment sales, rentals and repair, recreational
17.415.185 Equipment sales, rentals and repair, recreational
​Fuel or charging station, with convenience store

​17.110.292  Fuel or charging station, with convenience store
17.415.220 Fuel or charging stations.

​Fuel or charging station, without convenience store
17.110.293  Fuel or charging station, without convenience store
​17.415.220 Fuel or charging stations.
​General retail merchandise stores – less than 4,000 s.f.
​17.110.301 General retail merchandise stores
17.415.235 General retail merchandise stores
​General retail merchandise stores – 4,000 to 9,999 s.f.
​17.110.301 General retail merchandise stores
17.415.235 General retail merchandise stores
​General retail merchandise stores – 10,000 to 15,000 s.f.
17.110.301 General retail merchandise stores
17.415.235 General retail merchandise stores
​General retail merchandise stores – 15,001 to 24,999 s.f.
​17.110.301 General retail merchandise stores
​17.415.235 General retail merchandise stores
​General retail merchandise stores – 25,000 s.f. or greater
​17.110.301 General retail merchandise stores
​17.415.235 General retail merchandise stores
​Lumber and bulky building material sales
​17.110.464  Lumber and bulky building material sales
​17.415.300 Lumber and bulky building material sales
​Marijuana retailer

17.110.478  Marijuana retailer
17.415.345 Marijuana retailer
​Nursery, retail
17.110.520 Nursery, retail
17.415.370 Nursery, retail
​Nursery, wholesale
17.110.525 Nursery, wholesale
17.415.375 Nursery, wholesale
Offices and Services
​Automobile or recreational vehicle repair 
17.110.094 Automobile or recreational vehicle repair
17.415.070 Automobile or recreational vehicle repair
​Car washes
17.110.149 Car washes
17.415.095 Car washes
17.110.164 Clinic
​17.415.110 Clinic
​Day-care center
​ --
17.110.200 Day-care center
17.415.140 Day-care center
​Day-care center, home-based 
17.110.205 Day-care center, home based
17.415.145 Day-care center, home based
​Dispatch facility
17.110.226 Dispatch facility
17.415.150 Dispatch facility
​Fitness center
17.110.278 Fitness center
17.415.200 Fitness center
​General office and management services – less than 4,000 s.f.
17.110.302 General office and management services
17.415.230 General office and management services
​General office and management services – 4,000 to 9,999 s.f.
17.110.302 General office and management services
17.415.230 General office and management services
​General office and management services – 10,000 s.f. or greater
17.110.302 General office and managementservices
17.415.230 General office and management services
​Kennels or pet day-cares
​ --
17.110.375 Kennel
17.415.290 Kennels or pet day-cares
​Kennels, hobby
​17.110.380 Kennel, hobby
​17.415.295 Kennels, hobby
​Off-street parking facilities
17.110.531 Off-street parking facilities
17.415.380 Off-street parking facilities
​Off-street parking facilities, structured 
17.110.532 Off-street parking facilities, structured
17.415.385 Off-street parking facilities, structured
​Personal services
17.110.583  Personal services
17.415.390 Personal services
​Research laboratory, less than 4,000 s.f.
​17.110.658  Research laboratory
17.415.425 Research laboratory, less than 4,000 s.f.
​Research laboratory, 4,000 to 9,999 s.f.
17.110.658  Research laboratory
​17.415.430 Research laboratory, 4,000 to 9,999 s.f.
​Research laboratory, 10,000 s.f. or greater
17.110.658  Research laboratory
17.415.435 Research laboratory, 10,000 s.f. or greater
​Tourism facilities, including outfitter and guide facilities

17.415.540 Tourism facilities, including outfitter and guide facilities
​Tourism facilities, including seaplane and tour boat terminals

17.415.545 Tourism facilities, including seaplane and tour boat terminals
​Veterinary clinics/animal hospitals/wildlife shelters
​ --

17.110.740 Veterinary clinic

17.110.763  Wildlife shelter

17.415.575 Veterinary clinics/animal hospitals/wildlife shelter
Other Commercial Uses
​Shared work/maker space
​17.110.674  Shared work/maker space
17.415.475 Shared work/maker space


Categorical Use 
Categorial Use Standards
​Arboreta, botanical garden
​17.110.086 Aquarium, arboretum, botanical garden, zoo
17.415.050 Arboreta, botanical gardens
17.110.147 Campground
17.415.090 Campground
​ --
17.110.165 Club
17.415.115 Club
Entertainment facility, indoor
17.110.261  Entertainment facility, indoor
17.415.165 Entertainment facility, indoor
Entertainment facility, outdoor
17.110.262  Entertainment facility, outdoor
​17.415.170 Entertainment facility, outdoor
Golf courses
​ --
17.110.303 Golf course
17.415.240 Golf courses
17.110.480 Marina
​17.415.350 Marinas
Marina support services
17.110.482  Marina support services
​17.415.355 Marina support services
Parks and open space
17.110.535 Open space

Race track
17.110.644 Race track
17.415.405 Race track
Recreational facilities, indoor
17.110.647  Recreational facility,indoor
17.415.410 Recreational facilities, indoor
Recreational facilities, outdoor
17.110.648  Recreational facility, outdoor
17.415.415 Recreational facilities, outdoor
Shooting/gun facility, indoor
117.110.678  Shooting/gun facility, indoor
17.415.485 Shooting/gun facility, indoor
Shooting/gun facility, outdoor
17.110.679  Shooting/gun facility, outdoor
17.415.490 Shooting/gun facility, outdoor
Zoo, aquarium
17.110.086 Aquarium, arboretum, botanical garden, zoo
17.415.595 Zoo, aquarium


Categorical Use 
Categorial Use Standards
Government/public structures
​ --
​17.110.304  Government/public structures
17.415.245 Government/public structures
High-risk secured facility
17.110.335   High-risk securedfacility
​17.415.270 High-risk secured facilities
​17.110.360 Hospital
​17.415.280 Hospital
Places of worship
​ --
​17.110.600 Places of worship
17.415.395 Places of worship
Public facilities (greater than 300 square feet)
​17.110.640  Public facilities
​17.415.400 Public facilities
Public facilities (300 square feet or less)
17.110.640  Public facilities
17.415.400 Public facilities
School, elementary and middle school/junior high
​ --
17.110.670  School, elementary and middle school/junior high
17.415.460 School, elementary, middle school, or junior high
School, high school
17.110.670  School, high school
17.415.465 School, high school
School, college/vocational – less than 8,000 s.f.
17.110.670  School, college/ vocational school
​17.415.120 College/vocational school
School, college/vocational school – 8,000 s.f. or greater
17.110.670  School, college/ vocational school
​17.415.120 College/vocational school
Secure community transition facility
17.110.671   Secure community transition facility
17.415.470 Secure community transition facility
Transportation terminals, marine
17.110.727  Transportation terminals, marine
​17.415.555 Transportation terminals, marine
Transportation terminals, non-marine
17.110.728  Transportation terminals, non-marine
17.415.560 Transportation terminals, non-marine
Wireless communications facilities
17.110.770 Wireless communication facility
17.415.585 Wireless communications facilities


Categorical Use 
Categorial Use Standards
17.110.053 Airport
17.415.045 Airport
Boat yard
17.110.120 Boat yard
17.455.085 Boat Yard
17.110.163 Cemeteries
​17.415.105 Cemeteries
Contractor’s storage yard
​ --
17.110.195 Contractor’s storage yard
17.415.130 Contractor’s storage yard
Food and beverage production, less than 4,000 s.f.
17.110.279  Food and beverage production
17.415.205 Food and beverage production
Food and beverage production, 4,000 to 9,999 s.f.
17.110.279  Food and beverage production
17.415.205 Food and beverage production
Food and beverage production, 10,000 s.f. or greater
17.110.279  Food and beverage production
17.415.205 Food and beverage production
Fuel distributors
17.110.291  Fuel distributors
17.415.215 Fuel distributors
Funeral homes
​17.110.294  Funeral home
17.415.225 Funeral homes
Helicopter pads
17.110.333  Helicopter pads
17.415.265 Helicopter pads
Manufactured home, mobile home, park model, tiny home - sales
17.110.472  Manufactured home, mobile home, park models, tiny homes sales
17.415.310 Manufactured home, mobile home, park models, tiny homes sales
Manufacturing and fabrication, hazardous
17.110.473 Manufacturing and fabrication.
17.415.315 Manufacturing and fabrication, hazardous
Manufacturing and fabrication, heavy
17.110.473 Manufacturing and fabrication.
17.415.320 Manufacturing and fabrication, heavy
Manufacturing and fabrication, light
17.110.473 Manufacturing and fabrication.
17.415.325 Manufacturing and fabrication, light
Manufacturing and fabrication, medium
17.110.473 Manufacturing and fabrication.
17.415.330 Manufacturing and fabrication, medium
Marijuana processor
​17.110.475  Marijuana processor
17.415.335 Marijuana processor
Marijuana producer, Tier 1
17.110.476  Marijuana producer
17.415.340 Marijuana producer
Marijuana producer, Tier 2
17.110.476  Marijuana producer
17.415.340 Marijuana producer
Marijuana producer, Tier 3
17.110.476  Marijuana producerr
17.415.340 Marijuana producer
Recycling centers
​17.110.653 Recycling Center
​17.415.420 Recycling center
Rock crushing
17.110.665  Rock crushing
17.415.455 Rock crushing
Slaughterhouse or animal processing
17.110.689  Slaughterhouse or animal processing
17.415.505 Slaughterhouse or animal processing
Storage, hazardous materials
17.110.692 Storage, hazardous materials.
17.415.515 Storage, hazardous materials
Storage, indoor
17.110.695 Storage, indoor
17.415.520 Storage, indoor
Storage, outdoor
17.110.696 Storage, outdoor
17.415.525 Storage, outdoor
Top soil production, stump grinding, firewood cutting, and composting
​ --
17.110.718  Top soil production
17.415.535 Top soil production, stump grinding, firewood cutting, and composting
Transshipment facilities, including docks, wharves, marine rails, cranes, and barge facilities
17.110.729  Transshipment facilities
​117.415.565 Transshipment facilities, including docks, wharves, marine rails, cranes, and barge facilities
Warehousing and distribution
17.110.743  Warehousing and distribution
17.415.580 Warehousing and distribution
Wrecking yards and junk yards
17.110.783 Wrecking yard
17.415.590 Wrecking yards and junk yards


Categorical Use 
Categorial Use Standards
Aggregate extractions sites
17.110.050 Aggregate extractions sites
17.415.035 Aggregate extractions sites
Agricultural use, primary
17.415.040 Agricultural use, primary
Aquaculture practices
17.110.085 Aquaculture practices.
17.415.075 Aquaculture practices
17.110.280 Forestry
​17.415.210 Forestry
Shellfish/fish hatcheries and processing facilities
17.110.675  Shellfish/fish hatcheries and processing facilities
17.415.480 Shellfish/fish hatcheries and processing facilities


Categorical Use 
Categorial Use Standards
Accessory use or structure
17.110.030 Accessory use or structure
17.415.020 Accessory use or structure


Categorical Use 
Categorial Use Standards
Special care units residence
17.110.690 Special care residence
17.415.510 Special care residence
Temporary offices and model homes
​ --
17.110.709  Temporary offices and model homes
17.415.530 Temporary offices and model homes
Transitory accommodations, single family residence
17.110.726  Transitory accommodations
17.415.550 Transitory accommodations
Transitory accommodations, small, large, safe parks, and indoor
17.110.726  Transitory accommodations
17.415.550 Transitory accommodations


1. The use is subject to special provisions in Chapter 17.415 ‘Special provisions’ that may change to the level of permit review indicated above. All applicable requirements shall govern a use whether specifically identified in this chapter or not.

3. Pets and Exotic Animals. The keeping of pets, nontraditional pets and exotic animals is subject to the following conditions: a. Pets which are kept inside of a primary structure as household pets in aquariums, terrariums, cages or similar containers shall not be limited in number by this section. Other pets, excluding cats, which are kept indoors shall be limited to five; b. Pets which are kept outside of the primary structure shall be limited to three per household on lots less than twenty thousand square feet in area, only one of which may be a nontraditional pet; five per household on lots of twenty thousand to thirty-five thousand square feet, only two of which may be nontraditional pets; with an additional two pets per acre of site area over thirty-five thousand square feet up to a limit of twenty; and c. No feeding area or structure used to house, confine or feed pets shall be located closer than the minimum yard setbacks for the zone in which they are located. No feeding area or structure used to house, confine or feed nontraditional pets or exotic animals shall be located closer than fifty feet from any residence on adjacent property. 

4. Storage of junk motor vehicles on any property outside of a legally constructed building (minimum of three sides and a roof) is prohibited, except where the storage of up to six junk motor vehicles meets one of the following two conditions: a. Any junk motor vehicle(s) stored outdoors must be completely screened by a sight-obscuring fence or natural vegetation to the satisfaction of the director (a covering such as a tarp over the vehicle(s) will not constitute an acceptable visual barrier). For the purposes of this section, “screened” means not visible from any portion or elevation of any neighboring or adjacent public or private property, easement or right-of-way; or b. Any junk motor vehicle(s) stored outdoors must be stored more than two hundred fifty feet away from all property lines. c. Environmental Mitigation Agreement. The owner of any such junk motor vehicle(s) must successfully enter into an environmental mitigation agreement with the department of community development (the “department”) regarding the property where such vehicle(s) will be located or stored. i. An environmental mitigation agreement between a property owner and the department is required before the outdoor storage of up to six screened junk motor vehicles will be approved. A property owner may enter into such agreement with the department for a one-time fee of $10.00 per vehicle, the proceeds of which shall be used to assist with clean-up costs associated with the administration of Chapter 9.56. ii. In order to mitigate any potential environmental impact from the storage of these junk motor vehicles, the property owner must agree to institute one of the following two preventative measures: (a) Each junk motor vehicle must be drained of all oil and other fluids including, but not limited to, engine crankcase oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid and radiator coolant or antifreeze prior to placing the vehicle on site; or (b) Drip pans or pads must be placed and maintained underneath the radiator, engine block, transmission and differentials of each junk motor vehicle to collect residual fluids. (c) Either preventative measure shall require that the owner of such vehicle(s) clean up and properly dispose of any visible contamination resulting from the storage of junk motor vehicles. The agreement will require the property owner to select one of the two preventative measures and to allow for an initial inspection of the property by the department to assure that the preventative measure has been implemented to the satisfaction of the department. By entering into the agreement, the property owner further agrees to allow the department entry onto the property on an annual basis for reinspection to assure compliance with the approved agreement. If a property is found to be in compliance with the terms of the agreement for two consecutive inspections, the department may waive the annual inspection requirement. A property owner found to be in violation of the agreement may be issued a civil infraction pursuant to this section and could later be deemed a nuisance in accordance with Chapter 9.56.

   Density, Dimensions, and Design


Density and Dimensions table


​Minimum density (du/acre)​N/A
​Maximum density (du/acre)​N/A
​Minimum lot size

​Maximum lot size​​N/A
​Minimum lot width (feet)


​Minimum lot depth (feet)


​Maximum height (feet)


​(1)    Except for those buildings directly associated with timber production and harvest.

(40) Height limitations set forth elsewhere in this title shall not apply to the following: barns, silos, or other farm buildings and structures, provided they are not less than fifty feet from every lot line; chimneys, spires on places of worship, belfries, cupolas, domes, smokestacks, flagpoles, grain elevators, cooling towers, solar energy systems, monuments, fire house towers, masts, aerials, elevator shafts, and other similar projections; and outdoor theater screens, provided said screens contain no advertising matter other than the name of the theater. The proponent seeking exception to the height limitation shall certify that the object being considered under this provision will not shade an existing solar energy system which, by the determination of the director, contributes substantially to the space- or water-heating requirements of a building.
​Maximum impervious surface coverage​N/A
​Maximum lot coverage​N/A
(34) Development abutting a street for which a standard has been established by the Kitsap County arterial plan shall provide a special setback from the centerline of said street or a distance adequate to accommodate one-half of the right-of-way standard established by the arterial plans for the street. The building setback required by the underlying zone shall be in addition to the special setback and shall be measured from the edge of the special setback line. The special setback area shall be treated as additional required yard area and reserved for future street widening purposes.
(48) Shoreline properties are subject to Title 22 and may have additional buffers and setbacks requirements not listed in the density and dimension tables. Properties constrained by critical areas are subject to Title 19 and may have additional buffers and setbacks requirements not listed in the density and dimension tables. Cornices, canopies, eaves, belt courses, sills, bay windows, fireplaces or other similar cantilevered features may extend up to twenty-four inches into any required yard area. In no case shall a habitable area be considered for encroachment into a required yard through any land use process. Additionally, fire escapes, open/uncovered porches, balconies, landing places or outside stairways may extend up to twenty-four inches into any required side or rear yards. Open/uncovered porches, balconies, landing places, or outside stairways shall not extend more than six feet into any required front yard and shall be a minimum of five feet from the front property line.
​Minimum front (feet)


(​29)    One-hundred-foot setback required for single-family buildings abutting FRL or RW zones.
(41)  The following exceptions apply to front yard requirements for dwellings:
a.    If there are dwellings on both abutting lots with front yards less than the required depth for the zone, the front yard for the lot need not exceed the average front yard of the abutting dwellings.
b.    If there is a dwelling on one abutting lot with a front yard less than the required depth for the zone, the front yard need not exceed a depth of halfway between the depth of the front yard on the abutting lot and the required front yard depth.
c.    If a modification to the front yard requirement is necessary in order to site dwellings in a manner that maximizes solar access, the director may modify the requirement.
d.    On lots with multiple front yards, the front yard setback(s) in which the lot does not receive access may be modified by the director. Based upon topography, critical areas or other site constraints, the director may reduce these front yard setbacks to a minimum of twenty feet for properties requiring fifty feet and ten feet for properties requiring twenty feet. The director may not modify front yard setbacks from county arterials or collectors. Such reductions shall not have an adverse impact to surrounding properties.

(42) The following exceptions apply to historic lots:
a.    Building setback lines that do not meet the requirements of this title but were legally established prior to the adoption of this title shall be considered the building line for alterations, remodels, and accessory structures on the lot or parcel; providing, that no structure or portion of such addition may further project beyond the established building line.
b.    Any single-family residential lot of record as defined in Chapter 17.110 that has a smaller width or lot depth than that required by this title, or is less than one acre, may use that residential zoning classification that most closely corresponds to the dimension or dimensions of the lot of record, for the purpose of establishing setbacks from the property lines.

(43) Any structure otherwise permitted under this section may be placed on a lot or parcel within a required yard area if the director finds that such a location is necessary because existing sewer systems or roadways make compliance with the yard area requirements of this title impossible without substantial changes to the site.
​Maximum front (feet)​N/A
​Side (feet)​20
​(29)    One-hundred-foot setback required for single-family buildings abutting FRL or RW zones.

(42) The following exceptions apply to historic lots:
a.    Building setback lines that do not meet the requirements of this title but were legally established prior to the adoption of this title shall be considered the building line for alterations, remodels, and accessory structures on the lot or parcel; providing, that no structure or portion of such addition may further project beyond the established building line.
b.    Any single-family residential lot of record as defined in Chapter 17.110 that has a smaller width or lot depth than that required by this title, or is less than one acre, may use that residential zoning classification that most closely corresponds to the dimension or dimensions of the lot of record, for the purpose of establishing setbacks from the property lines.

(43) Any structure otherwise permitted under this section may be placed on a lot or parcel within a required yard area if the director finds that such a location is necessary because existing sewer systems or roadways make compliance with the yard area requirements of this title impossible without substantial changes to the site.
​Rear (feet)


​​​(29)    One-hundred-foot setback required for single-family buildings abutting FRL or RW zones.

(42) The following exceptions apply to historic lots:
a.    Building setback lines that do not meet the requirements of this title but were legally established prior to the adoption of this title shall be considered the building line for alterations, remodels, and accessory structures on the lot or parcel; providing, that no structure or portion of such addition may further project beyond the established building line.
b.    Any single-family residential lot of record as defined in Chapter 17.110 that has a smaller width or lot depth than that required by this title, or is less than one acre, may use that residential zoning classification that most closely corresponds to the dimension or dimensions of the lot of record, for the purpose of establishing setbacks from the property lines.

(43) Any structure otherwise permitted under this section may be placed on a lot or parcel within a required yard area if the director finds that such a location is necessary because existing sewer systems or roadways make compliance with the yard area requirements of this title impossible without substantial changes to the site.


Department of Community Development

Planning and Environmental Programs

(360) 337-5777 (Kitsap 1)


614 Division Street - MS36
Port Orchard, WA 98366

Office Location 

619 Division Street
Port Orchard, Washington


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Related links:

Do I need a Building Permit

Is My Lot Buildable?

Design Districts

Kitsap County Code

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