The purpose of design standards is to guide the general character and the look and feel of a designated area, this includes: structures, landscaping, signage, etc.
Standards are baseline requirements for the design of development projects. Some guidelines are recommendations that are intended to further define the desired character of development within the districts.
Typically projects are designed from the requirements of Kitsap County Code, Title 17 Zoning (Title 17.420.050) however since your parcel falls within one of Kitsap County’s design districts you will also need to follow the standards shown below. If there is a conflict in requirements the more restrictive will apply.
The Provost Commercial District is located across Highway 3 from the West Hill Neighborhood District. This district is encompassed completely with Highway Tourist Commercial (HTC) zoning. HTC zoning is intended to provide for commercial establishments which require large sites. This zone serves the shopping and service needs for large sections of the county and provides visitor services and accommodations for both destination and en route travelers. Mixed-use development is allowed within the HTC zone.
The neighborhood’s natural and physical features include large forested areas and moderate to steep slopes with views of downtown Silverdale and Dyes Inlet.
The design intent of the Provost Commercial District is to coordinate development in a manner that results in an attractive streetscape, to promote traffic safety and to coordinate internal access.
1.3 Standards & Guidelines
The Silverdale Design Guidelines are composed primarily of Community Design Guidelines—the larger scale design principles that address overall development patterns, circulation, building configurations as well as mass, bulk, height, landscaping and setbacks and the Standards that implement the Guidelines. They address how districts relate to one another and the entire downtown, pedestrian and vehicular connection and circulation, and overall design composition within each district.
Mandatory vs. Interpretive Standards/Guidelines
Mandatory refers to the obligatory application of design guidelines and are commonly referred to as standards. The words "will," "must," and "shall" indicate a mandatory standard.
Interpretive refers to a translation of a design intent, where a variety of conceptualizations is possible and may require more flexibility in implementation. Words such as "could," "can," and "should" indicate a preference, but not a requirement.