Subarea Plans
A subarea plan is a type of long-range planning for a limited geographic area within a community.
These subarea plans focus on goals and policies to form the framework for the plan as well as specific goals and policies for land-use, environmental protection, and transportation.
These chapters are also available in the 2016 Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan located here.
Subarea Plans
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Silverdale is on the Kitsap Peninsula, situated ten miles northwest of the city of Bremerton and nine miles south of Poulsbo. Silverdale lies at the north tip of Dyes Inlet, which connects it to Bremerton via Sinclair Inlet and the Pacific Ocean via Puget Sound | Historically known as the "Little City by the Sea" and the northern gateway to the Kitsap Peninsula and Olympic National Park & Forest. Founded in 1853 by Benjamin Bannister, the father of Kingston, the community was originally known as Apple Tree Cove.
Kingston Complete Streets Report Appendices Inserts Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
| The City of Bremerton and Kitsap County, in partnership with other state, federal, and tribal agencies, have developed a 20-year plan for the future of Gorst. The purpose of this cooperative planning effort has been to develop a land use plan that is based on the ecological values and functions of the Gorst Creek Watershed.Gorst Subarea Plan
Limited Areas of More Intense Rural Development (LAMIRD)
Community Plans
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 Located in Kitsap County between the cities of Bremerton and Silverdale, Illahee is geographically centered about the natural features of Illahee Creek and its unspoiled watershed with much of the surroundings existing as it has for centuries.
|  Kitsap County Agricultural Strategic Plan coordinated with the assistance of local agencies, professional partners, and citiznes, provides the following material:Assessment of regional and local economic and activity trends for farming.Review of regional strategies for local use.Review of County regulations as they affect agriculture.Mapping and inventory of farming properties prioritizing their value for farmland preservation.Strategic plan for future actions by Kitsap County and the farming community. |