The Suquamish Community Advisory Council provides a discussion forum for Suquamish community interests and issues. This Council enhances communication between Suquamish-area residents, Suquamish Tribal Government and Kitsap County government, and coordinates community improvements brought forward by the council and the Suquamish community. SCAC aims to work together to proactively address community interests and concerns.
Kitsap County Board of Commissioners
Resolution 107-2006 established the
Suquamish Community Advisory Council on June 13, 2006.
Our Mission
Actively facilitate communication among the Suquamish Community.
Mutually develop and promote a sense of community vision and pride.
Communicate to the County, Suquamish Tribe, and other government entities the desires and concerns of the Suquamish community.
Bring to the Suquamish community issues and projects of the County and Suquamish Tribe, and provide a means for receiving and conveying to the County and Suquamish Tribe the community's response.
2025 Work Plan