Port Madison Dialogues

An exploration of the history, culture, and current issues facing the Suquamish Tribe​

Four-Part Online Panel Discussions

Suquamish Tribal leaders will share the history of the Suquamish
Tribe, current issues facing the Tribe, and the impacts of the
sometimes difficult relationships between Tribal and non-Tribal
communities. Tribal members will share poetry, songs, and stories.

Please register for all four sessions. There is no cost to register or attend.

Sponsored by Kitsap County, the Suquamish Tribe, and the Dispute
Resolution Center of Kitsap County.

Registration is Now Full

Thanks for the wonderful interest in the program, but we have reached our maximum number of registrants on our Zoom platform. The first three sessions were recorded for those unable to attend and links are posted below.


Registration is Full

Sign up to receive notification of when the recordings area available at the link below. 

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​September 23, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.

Session 1: Since Time Immemorial: Early History

The Suquamish people have fished, hunted, and gathered in this region since time immemorial. Learn about this history, the ways of life practiced in this region, hear traditional stories, and learn about the locations of some of the important winter villages and other key places in Kitsap County and beyond. Hear about such leaders as Chief Kitsap and Chief Seattle, and about the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott, signed on behalf of the Suquamish and Duwamish peoples by Chief Seattle. And learn how this history lays the foundation for today's sovereignty, treaty rights, and tribal government priorities.

Click here to view the recording and please give us your feedback at the link below.

​October 7, 2021
at 6:30 p.m.

Session 2: Tribal sovereignty and governance

Sovereignty is at the foundation of the governance and way of life of the Suquamish Tribe. Learn what it means to be sovereign; the roles of Tribal Council, General Council, government departments, and the Tribe's government-to-government relationships with the federal, state, and local governments. Treaty rights are foundational to the Tribe's sovereignty; learn about the Boldt decision and other decisions that have confirmed the Tribe's rights to harvest in the "usual and accustomed" places in the Salish Sea and beyond, along with the rights to religious freedom, self-governance, law enforcement and security, and full participation as US citizens. 

Click here to view the recording and please give us your feedback at the link below.

​October 21, 2021
 at 6:30 p.m.

Session 3: Current issues facing the Tribe

Protecting treaty fisheries, water quality, and biodiversity are central tasks for the Suquamish people. Learn about the Tribe’s accomplishments, which have benefited the entire Puget Sound region, along with the challenges of Climate Change, ocean acidification, and pollution. Tribal members face other challenges as well, from bias in education, policing/jurisdiction, crimes targeting Native women and children, vandalism and hate crimes. Building an economy that can support the whole Tribal community is an ongoing focus, including gaming, cannabis, retail, fireworks, golf, and construction enterprises.

Click here to view the recording and please give us your feedback at the link below.

November 4, 2021 
at 6:30 p.m.

Session 4: Wrap-up Circle – Grief and Healing

Tribal members and members of nearby communities will share stories of the human side of the sometimes-difficult relationships between Native and non-Native communities. Historic trauma is very real in our community, and the harms continue. But healing has happened and continues alongside the harms. This dialogue will acknowledge the damage caused by colonialism and racism, efforts at healing, and will look forward to the sorts of relationships, communities, and common future we hope to create. Facilitated by Kitsap Dispute Resolution Center.