Mental Health, Chemical Dependency & Therapeutic Drug Court 

Community Advisory Committee​

Ordinance 507-2013 authorized a 1/10th of 1 percent sales-and-use tax to designated to fund mental health, substance abuse and therapeutic court programs and services. A Community Advisory Committee was also formed to review applications for these funds and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners.

  • One from the Salish Behavioral Health Organization Advisory Board
  • One from the Commission on Children and Youth
  • One from the Area Agency on Aging
  • One from Law and Justice
  • One  from Education
  • Six At-Large representing a broad spectrum of diverse community members whose background and expertise enhance the function and effectiveness of the Advisory Committee in fulfilling its responsibilities.

Each year, the Community Advisory Committee reviews applications submitted from service providers who help prevent and reduce the impacts of disabling chemical dependency and mental illness by creating and investing in effective, data-driven programs for a continuum of recovery-oriented systems of care. Applications are submited by local agencies and organizatinos through a request for proposal process. 

The work of the committee is guided by a six-year strategic plan developed in coordatintion with service providers and other subject-matter experts using data to identify needs and gaps in services. The Board of County Commissioners approves the strategic plan. 

Strategic Goals

> Resolution establishing advisory committee





Cynthia Griggins



​Tyler McKlosky



Bruce Sturdevant



Tatiana Leone



Derick Bailey



Helen Havens - 2025 Vice Chair

​Salish Behavioral Health Organization


​Kimberly Riley

​Commission on Children and Youth


Timothy Garrity

​Law and Justice


Charlotte Shepardson



Charmaine Scott - 2025 Chair

​Area Agency on Aging


Public Comment

Members of the public wishing to comment during designated public comment periods may do so through the following options. Each member of the public is limited to three minutes of Internet, call-in, or written comments. At the discretion of the Chair, a public comment that is overly repetitive or inappropriate (vulgar, disruptive, etc.) will be ended.

Internet Users: Please click on the raise hand feature in Zoom. The sound will be unmuted, and the Internet participant should announce their name. The participant will be called upon to speak at the designated time.

Call-In Users: Callers will be unmuted one at a time and asked whether the caller wishes to offer public comment. The last four digits of the call-in number will be announced, and call-in participants should announce their first and last name before speaking.

Written Comments: Written comments will be read during the public comment period if submitted to by 12:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. Comments read are limited to three minutes. To ensure written public comments are read at the proper meeting, a written statement should include: the date of the meeting the written comments are intended for; participant's first and last name; and agenda item and/or subject the written comments refer to.

Meeting Time
3rd Tuesday in designated months
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.



** Currently meeting both virtually and in-person. Link to join meeting included on agenda, posted below.**

Public Works/Human Services Building

(first floor)

507 Austin Avenue, Port Orchard

(Door is locked but the conference room is to the right of the door and staff will see you and let you in) 


2025 Meeting Schedule

Click on dates below for meeting agendas and minutes

January 25 - Closed meeting

February 18











Sign up for electronic notifications

Application for appointment


Previous Years





Contact Us

Hannah Shockley, Program Planner 
Human Services


Fax: 360-337-5721

If special accommodation is needed, please contact the staff coordinator by 12:00 p.m. the day before the meeting.