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2024-2025 Season Reference Materials

Severe Weather Shelter Operations Handbook (Updated 12/18/2024)

Kitsap County Severe Weather Shelter Training for the 2024-2025 Season


For new or returning voluteers that need to review the SWS Operations Training, watch the training video above and then expand this section to confirm that you have completed this online training

Homebase Shift Scheduling Web App Introduction


Homebase Mobile App Introduction


Kitsap County News

Rapid Testing Materials and Information

Severe Weather Shelter Rapid Antigen Testing Protocol – Asymptomatic Guests with Close Contacts

RapidTestConsent – General (Guest consent form for rapid testing, each guest tested must complete a consent form)

RapidTestingSampleTrackingSheet-4row.pdf  (a sheet to be placed on a flat surface to track what time the sample test is complete)

POC-COVIDReportingForm.pdf  (WA DOH Reporting Form – complete and submit via instructions in the protocol only for positive test results)

CareStart Testing Kit Specific Documents

CareStart COVID-19 Antigen test – Instructions for Use.pdf (2pg version of instructions we will use the SELF SWAB ANTERIOR instructions set)

CareStartFactSheet-2pg.pdf (provide this fact sheet to each guest who provides a sample for the CareStart test)

(Training Video) Watch the Self-administered Anterior training video (*our kits have anterior sample swabs which are self-administered by swirling in each nostril)

SWS Rapid Testing Affirmation and Quiz

Volunteers will need to review the instructions for use, and watch a training video (if available) on how to use each test kit device.  At least 1 volunteer working a shift will need to have completed this training and affirmation, specific to the testing device(s) available, before rapid testing can be performed.

SWS Rapid Testing Affirmation and Quiz (link) - https://www.cognitoforms.com/KitsapCounty1/SWSRapidTestingAffirmationAndQuiz

For more information contact:

   Carl Borg, Program Manager
   360-979-6027 or ceborg@kitsap.gov

   Virginia McCaslin, Grants Program Analyst
   360-979-6358 or vmccaslin@kitsap.gov

   Cory Derenburger, Division Specialist
   360-337-7287 or cderenbu@kitsap.gov

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