Water Festival

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New year, new month for Water Festival. Save the date!
Tuesday, May 13, 2025


Kitsap Water Festival is a whole day of learning about and celebrating water. Education experts, environmental professionals, storytellers, entertainers and members of the community make this a fun event for local students. 

The Festival is open to 3rd grade students from Bainbridge Island, North Kitsap, and South Kitsap School Districts; 4th graders from Bremerton and Central Kitsap School Districts; and either 3rd or 4th graders from private schools and homeschool groups.  

Students, teachers, and chaperones arrive at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds and receive a schedule for the day. They attend presentations, free time exhibits and a magic show. The day’s events include discovering the hydrologic cycle; how to use our water resources wisely; fish and wildlife habitat; streams and wetlands; marine science; and pollution prevention. 

District buses are sponsored by Kitsap Water Purveyors.

Teachers: want your class to attend Water Festival?

Participating classes are chosen by the School District Curriculum Offices. Check with them for more details. Interested private schools and homeschool groups, please contact Pat Kirschbaum, pkirschbaum@kitsap.gov, by January 10 each year.

Watch this video to see some of what students do at the Kitsap Water Festival

Other Ways to Participate

See below for ways to participate and support the Festival.


Provide 35-minute presentations about water


Present a water-related exhibit for students to visit during free time


Assist with presentations, activities, setup and/or cleanup


Be a financial sponsor of the Festival

Festival Brought to You By:
Kitsap Public Health District; Kitsap County Public Works; Kitsap Public Utility District; Silverdale Water District; City of Bremerton Public Works; Parametrix; City of Bainbridge Island.  

Questions? Contact Pat Kirschbaum at pkirschbaum@kitsap.gov or 360.307.4278.