Treasurer Questions
All questions about tax payments, due dates, refunds, delinquent taxes, receipt of statements, duplicate statements, issues with mortgage companies or tax services, excise taxes, foreclosure or personal property distraint, mobile home moving permits and tax statement address changes should be directed to the Treasurer's Office at (360) 337-7135. Kitsap County Treasurer website
Assessor Questions
All questions about the assessed value of property, appeals for lowering assessed values, levy rates and tax limitation, tax relief programs for senior citizens and the disabled; or open space programs should be directed to the Assessor's Office at (360) 337-7160. Kitsap County Assessor website
What law governs the collection of property taxes in Washington State?
The method of giving notice for payment of taxes due, notices of delinquency and collection procedures, distribution of taxes to various taxing districts, waiving of interest and penalties and accounting for money collected are explained in statutes within the Revised Code of Washington (RCW 84.56)
How are property taxes calculated?
State law requires that county assessors appraise all property at 100 percent of its true and fair market value in money, according to the highest and best use of the property. Fair market value or true value is the amount that a willing and unobligated buyer is willing to pay a willing and unobligated seller. The county assessor values real property using one or more of three professional appraisal methods.
For more information on how your residential property is assessed and valued contact the Kitsap County Assessor's Office at (360) 337-7160 or go to the Kitsap County Assessor website.
When are property taxes due?
If the amount of tax due is $50 or less, full payment is due by April 30. If the tax amount due is over $50 it may be paid in two installments. First half must be paid by April 30 and the balance by October 31. (RCW 84.56.020)
Does my payment for taxes have to be in the Treasurer's office by the due date?
No, it must be postmarked by the due dates of April 30 and October 31. If you are mailing it on the last day, we suggest that you go into the post office and make sure it is postmarked for the same day.
If using a bill pay method through your online banking, please set it up ahead of time and allow enough time for your bank to mail a paper check by the required postmark date.
What are the interest and penalty rates charged on delinquent payments?
The interest and penalty rates are set by law. (RCW 84.56.020) Residential real property with four or fewer units per taxable pacel including manufactured /mobile homes, interest is 0.75% per month on the full principal balance. Non-residential real property and residential real property with greater than four units per taxable parcel, interest is 1% per month on the full principal balance. Penalty is charged on the current year's principal balance only and is 3% on June 1st and 8% on December 1st. Late payments received without the appropriate interest and penalty cannot be posted to the account and will be returned.
Can the interest and penalty on my delinquent taxes be waived?
The interest and penalty rates are set by law. (RCW 84.56.020) There is not a "good cause" statute that allows waiving of interest and penalties. Failure to receive a tax statement does not waive interest and penalty for a delinquent tax. The only exceptions are:
-The notice for the taxes was not sent to a taxpayer due to error by the county. (RCW 84.56.025)
-One missed payment on the taxpayer's personal residence because of hardship caused by the death of the taxpayer's spouse if the taxpayer notifies the county treasurer of the hardship within sixty days of the tax due date; or the taxpayer's parent's or stepparent's personal residence because of hardship caused by the death of the taxpayer's parent or stepparent if the taxpayer notifies the county treasurer of the hardship within sixty days of the tax due date. A copy of the death certificate is required. (RCW 84.56.025)
-The taxpayer paid an erroneous amount due to apparent taxpayer error and the taxpayer pays the delinquent taxes within thirty days of receiving notice that the taxes are due. (RCW 84.56.025)
-During any period of armed conflict - Personal residences owned by active duty military personnel who are participating as part of one of the branches of the military involved in the conflict and assigned to a duty station outside the territorial boundaries of the United States during any period of armed conflict. (RCW 84.56.020(7))
Can current year's taxes be paid without paying delinquent taxes?
Yes, current year may be paid per (RCW 84.56.060). However, be aware that property is subject to foreclosure once a tax year is three years late. Once foreclosure is filed, the full tax balance must be paid to stop the foreclosure.
Can I pay multiple tax accounts with one check?
Yes, please include all payment stubs or account numbers with your check. You may also pay one account with multiple checks, as long as they are mailed in the same envelope.
Can my taxes be withdrawn automatically from my bank account?
Kitsap County has a mothly prepayment program available to automatically debit your bank account for payment of property taxes on an ongoing basis. More information is available on our Payment Options page.
Are there any exemption or property tax reduction programs?
Washington State Law Provides limited property tax relief to specific classes of individuals and/or types of property. There are six primary programs. They are all managed by the Assessor's Office. Click on the links below to learn more or call them at (360) 337-7160..
Senior Citizen or Disabled Persons Exemption & Deferral Program
Deferral of Taxes for Homeowners with Limited Income
Current Use - Farm & Agricultural Land, Open Space & Designated Forest Land
Residential Improvement Exemption
Destroyed Property Exemption
Nonprofit Organizations
How do I sign up for a reminder to pay second half taxes in October?
If you wish to receive a postcard reminder, please call (360) 337-7135 or e-mail the Treasurer's Office to
How did I find out how much I paid for property taxes last year? (typically used for federal tax filing)
No. You can use the tax statement that was sent to you in February or access the current statement and payment/receipt history via our Parcel Details site. Here are the instructions on how to use Parcel Details:
-Click on the Parcel Details link.
-Enter your information (Tax Account Number or Address)
-Click on Tax Bill and select View Bill (To see current tax statement)
-Click on Tax Bill and select Tax Receipts (To see payment history)
Does the county mail a copy of my tax statement to my mortgage company?
No, if your mortgage pays your taxes they typically download a file from our website with all the accounts they plan to pay. It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to monitor their relationship with their mortgage company. Read your escrow account statements carefully to verify that taxes are paid current, especially when you have recently purchased your property or refinanced your home. Occasionally, tax payments collected on refinancing are not forwarded to the Treasurer until April or October. There can be errors or delays in payments for failure to notify the Treasurer of changes in your address or account status. You should notify your lender if there's been a change to your taxes (i.e., removing or adding an exemption, splitting, or merging your property) so they can pull the correct account numbers and amounts.
Does filing a Satisfaction of Mortgage with the County Auditor notify the Treasurer that my mortgage is paid off?
No. If you were receiving an "Information Only" tax statement each year, you will need to notify the Treasurer's Office so your account can be set up to receive a regular statement with detachable coupons and return envelopes. If your mailing address has changed, please complete the Address Change Form.
What is Real Estate Excise Tax?
Real estate excise tax is a tax on the sale of real estate. County rates vary depending on the area. The current rate for Kitsap County is .005. In addition, please refer to the link below for the State's portion:
New Real Estate Excise Tax Rates effective January 1, 2020
There is also a $5 state technology fee. Excise tax must be paid within 30 days of the date of the document or interest and penalty apply.
To learn more, go to the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) page.
What is personal property tax?
If you own a business, the business assets are subject to a personal property tax. Contact the Treasurer's Office before buying or selling any personal property to protect your property against a lien. If you need more information, call (360) 337-4936. For more information about personal property tax go to Personal Property.
What is a Local Improvement District (LID)?
Local Improvement Districts (LIDs) are a means of assisting benefiting properties in financing needed capital improvements (water systems, roads, sewer systems, telecom, lake management, etc.) through the formation of special assessment districts.
Special assessment districts permit improvements to be financed and paid for over a period of time through assessments on the benefiting properties.
A variation of the LID is the Utility Local Improvement District (ULID). The difference between ULIDs and LIDs is that utility revenues are pledged to the repayment of the ULID debt, in addition to the assessments on the benefiting properties. State statutes provide that an LID can be converted to a ULID after formation. The reverse is not possible. (RCW 35)
In Kitsap County, the Treasurer's Office collects the LID payments on behalf of the local utility district(s). Payments are made in annual installments and are due on the anniversary of the specific LID district each year. The LID statements are mailed to the taxpayer of record for each parcel in the district approximately 6-8 weeks before the due date.
What is the Noxious Weed Assessment for?
Noxious weeds are non-native plants that have been introduced accidentally or as ornamentals in peoples' gardens. Some are poisonous to humans and livestock and most grow rapidly and are extremely difficult to control. A state law passed in 1969 mandates all counties to have a program to combat noxious weeds. Kitsap County wants to avoid a lawsuit from neighboring counties like the one in King County in 1995. A $2 per year assessment on Property Tax will fund the Kitsap County Noxious Weed Control Program to provide education, prevention, technical assistance and control of noxious weeds through voluntary compliance. Preventing the spread of weeds is more effective and less costly than eradication. More information can be found in the Noxious Weed FAQ flyer.
What is the Surface and Stormwater Management Program?
The Surface and Stormwater Management Program (SSWM) is a multi-agency program designed to address non-point pollution and flood control. The program was developed in response to the Federal Clean Water Act, the Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan, and locally developed Watershed Action Plans. The core purpose of the program is to address non-point pollution, which has been identified as the primary source of pollution in Kitsap County's streams, lakes and marine waters. Non-point pollution is pollution that is carried from roofs, yards, streets and other land surfaces by stormwater runoff. More information can be found on the Clean Water Kitsap website.
Can anyone see my tax account records?
Yes. All real property taxes are public record and can be viewed on our Parcel Details site:
-Click on the Parcel Details link.
-Enter the property information (Tax Account Number or Address)
-Click on Tax Bill and select View Bill (To see current tax statement)
-Click on Tax Bill and select Tax Receipts (To see payment history)