Who is KNAT?
The Kitsap Nuisance Abatement Team (KNAT) is a multi-agency team represented by members of Kitsap County Code Compliance; Kitsap County Public Works Solid Waste and Stormwater Divisions; Kitsap Animal Control; Kitsap Public Health District; Kitsap County Housing & Homelessness Division; Kitsap County Sheriff; Kitsap County Fire Marshal; and Kitsap County Prosecutor. The team also involves other Federal, State, and local agencies to assist with abatements as needed.
About KNAT
The KNAT team supports safe and healthy communities in Kitsap County by providing outreach and education to prevent public nuisances and by working with property owners and other agencies to resolve current nuisances.
We only begin abatement projects on properties that are recognized to have substantial unresolved issues by two or more of the KNAT agencies. Citizens can make complaints to each agency as it applies to a particular nuisance, but properties that ultimately end up on our assessment list are decided by the team on a case-by-case basis.
We remedy nuisance properties through:
Outreach and education
Voluntary Compliance Agreements
Civil Infractions
Filings of lawsuits to obtain Warrants of Abatements
Performing abatement work and ordering Lien on property for Judgment amount
What is a public nuisance?
The definition of a "public nuisance" varies by source (codes, ordinances, dictionary, Wikipedia, etc.), but they all have one thing in common - a public nuisance is something that interferes or threatens the welfare of the immediate community.
Click below to learn how Washington State and Kitsap County define a public nuisance:
Examples include:
Solid waste (trash, junk, litter, animal waste) accumulating outside of trash cans or approved receptacles
Inoperable motor vehicles within public view
Dilapidated buildings or structures that are open or unsecured
Failing septic systems or illegal discharges of sewage
Illegal dumping
Obstructions to a public right-of-way