Kitsap County News

County launches survey to gather input on housing, services funding priorities2/18/2025

February 18, 2025

community needs survey


Community needs survey launched to gather input
on funding priorities for housing and services

Kitsap County is launching a community survey to gather feedback on local needs and priorities for housing, services, economic development, public facilities and infrastructure improvements. This information will be used to develop a consolidated plan for 2026-2030.

Kitsap County and the City of Bremerton receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) funding each year from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These funds, along with the County's Community Investments in Affordable Housing (CIAH) funds, are used to provide housing, economic opportunity, public facilities and infrastructure principally for low- and moderate-income households and neighborhoods.

Every five years the County and all Kitsap cities work together to gather data and feedback from community members and agencies that provide services to develop a set of priorities to guide the allocation of funds over the next five years. Community input will ensure the new consolidated plan reflects the knowledge, experience, needs and perspective of residents.

Take the survey here or scan the QR code.
The survey closes March 31.


About the five-year consolidated plan

The Consolidated Plan will be submitted to HUD to serve as the guide for priorities and targets over the next five years for CDBG, HOME, and CIAH funding. Inputs considered when developing priorities for the consolidated plan include:

  • Data (from Census, County reports, and HUD)
  • County, regional and state plans
  • Community and agency input

All funds are awarded to projects through a joint competitive process, utilizing the same calendar, application materials, and review committees. All awarded projects serve households earning less than 80 percent of the area median income.

  • HOME (federal funds): Approximately $650,000 estimated based on 2024 award ($463,000 for Kitsap County projects and $189,000 for City of Bremerton projects)
  • CDBG (federal funds): Approximately $994,000 estimated based on 2024 award
  • CIAH (generated from local 1/10th of 1 percent sales tax): Approximately $5 million total annual awards

Examples of previously funded projects

  • HOME:
    • Community Framework homeownership assistance program providing downpayment assistance and closing costs to qualified homebuyers at or below 80 percent of the area median income.
    • City of Poulsbo Nordic Cottages construction of affordable housing for seniors (age 55+) and individuals with disabilities with incomes at or below 30 percent of the area median income.
    • Bremerton Housing Authority Wheaton Landing affordable housing acquisition for low-income families with children.
  • CDBG:
    • Public service funds to foodbanks and childcare programs supporting salaries and operations.
    • KCR BE$T microenterprise assistance program to support low-income individuals starting or expanding their own businesses.
    • Housing Kitsap's housing rehabilitation and Kitsap Community Resources' weatherization programs.
    • South Kitsap Helpline construction of a new food bank facility serving low-income individuals.
  • CIAH:
    • Evergreen Bright Start affordable housing acquisition to provide subsidized housing to youth and young families at-risk of homelessness.
    • Housing Kitsap's Times Square acquisition of housing for low- and moderate-income seniors.

Take the survey at
The survey closes at noon March 31.

For More Information

Learn more about these funding programs, including how to apply for funding, from the Kitsap County Department of Human Services at:

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