Lexis Nexis Crime Map is an excellent tool to assist with communication between the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office and citizens about crime in our neighborhoods and the entire unincorporated area of Kitsap County. When you get to the map click on Washington state, then select the nearest city.
Important notice about Crime Mapping:
1. Crime report titles displayed in Crime Reports are determined by sheriff's patrol deputies and detectives, based on their investigation. The crime report title may differ from what was initially reported to 9-1-1 by complainants/victims/witnesses and what the suspect may be charged with.
2. In order to protect victims of certain sensitive crimes, the following crime titles will not be displayed:
- Crimes involving victims under 18 years of age,
- Domestic Violence crimes,
- Crimes involving sexual assault or abuse.
3. Reported crime incidents are rounded to the nearest hundred-block number. The map report location is an estimate based on this block number.
Click on the following link to go to the crime map.
Crime Map