"Police officers take risks and secure the safety of fellow citizens, and they endure such risks and tolerate such inconveniences on behalf of strangers. Consequently, police work is one of the more noble and selfless occupations in society. Making a difference in the quality of life is an opportunity that policing provides - and few other professions can offer."

-International Association of Chiefs of Police.

For all County job openings click here.

To apply, visit Public Safety Testing by clicking on your chosen career path.

If you have questions about applying or becoming a part of the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, we would love to connect with you.

Deputy Dave Green 



Deputy Sheriff
Benefits and Minimum Requirements


 Salary Range

$42.31 to $54.00 per hour ($88,004.80- $112,320.00). 

Overtime is paid per FLSA. 

 Lateral Hiring Incentives

Individuals who have previously been employed as a full-time law enforcement officer with a municipal, county, state-certified tribal or state law enforcement agency will receive:

  • Signing bonus of $15,000
  • Lateral hire's prior service time as a full-time commissioned law enforcement officer is recognized for calculating longevity and annual leave accrual rate.
  • One week (53.3 hours) of annual leave and one week (53.3 hours) of sick leave.

 Incentive Pay

Longevity Pay - 

6th year of employment 1.5% of the hourly rate of pay

9th year of employment 2% of the hourly rate of pay

14th year of employment 3% of the hourly rate of pay

19th year of employment 6% of the hourly rate of pay

24th year of employment 7% of the hourly rate of pay

Assignment Pay-

  • Detective (5.5%)
  • OPS Investigator (3.5%)
  • K-9 (3.5%)
  • Bomb Tech (3.5%)
  • Search & Rescue (3.5%)
  • Field Training Officer (3.5%)
  • Traffic Collision Specialist (3.5%)
  • SWAT Team (3.5%)
  • School Resource (3.5%)
  • Community Resource Officer (3.5%)
  • Drug Recognition Expert (3.5%)
  • Crisis Negotiation Team (3.5%)
  • Crisis Intervention Coordinator (3.5%)
  • Agency Lead Instructor (5.5%)

** A deputy can receive up to two assignment pays

Education Pay - 

Associates Degree - 1% of base hourly rate                                Bachelors Degree - 2% of the base hourly rate

Bilingual Pay - 

2% of the base hourly rate

Shift Differential - 

1% of the base rate for 3rd watch

2% of the base rate for 4th watch

 Deferred Compensation

1. Employees who have completed less than twenty (20) years of service with the employer: Upon written request by an employee covered by this Agreement, the Employer shall match the employee's payroll deduction into a State DCP deferred compensation account, in an amount not to exceed one percent (1.0%) of the employee's base monthly rate.

2. Employees who have completed twenty (20) or more years of service with the Employer: In lieu of the matching deferred compensation provided in sub-section 3.A, the Employer shall contribute into a State DCP deferred compensation account an amount equal to one percent (1%) of the employee's base monthly pay rate.


The employer supplies and maintains uniforms and equipment. The plainclothes deputies receive $650.00 per year in clothing allowance.

Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance and Disability Plans

 Employees in this position may choose from several insurance plans. Premium rate sheets showing County and employee contributions will be available on the Kitsap County website at https://spf.kitsapgov.com/hr/Pages/default.aspx

 Retirement Plan

Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters (LEOFF II) plan.

LEOFF Plan 2 - Department of Retirement Systems (wa.gov)

 Hours of Work

Deputies work a 10-hour 40-minute shift that rotates every six months. Guaranteed two weekends off every month.


Thirteen (13) paid holidays, seven (7) of which are premium days for which the deputy receives additional halftime pay.

 Annual Leave

Upon employment

80 hours per year

After 5 years

160 hours per year

After 10 years

190 hours per year

After 15 years

220 hours per year

You may carry over a total of 360 hours per calendar year. At retirement, the employee is paid for the unused annual leave at the rate at the time of separation.

Sick Leave

Ten (10) hours per month of employment, with a maximum annual carryover of 1200 hours. Fifty (50) percent is paid upon retirement.

Bereavement Leave 

Up to three (3) days per occurrence is allowed and is not cumulative for a death in the employee’s immediate family, as defined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Up to two additional days may be provided but will be charged as sick leave.    

 Deputy Sheriff Minimum Requirements

  • US citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident
  • Read, write, and speak the English language
  • At least 21 years of age
  • Pass a civil service entrance examination and the WSCJTC Physical Fitness test. Lateral applicants will no longer have to pass the WSCJTC Physical Fitness Test to be eligible for hire.
  • Pass medical, psychological, and polygraph examinations, as well as an intensive background investigation
  • Possess a valid Washington State driver's license at the time of employment
  • A conviction record may be disqualifying
  Corrections Officer

Benefits and Minimum Requirements 

 Salary Range

$33.02 to $46.67 per hour ($68,681.60 - $97,073.60)

Overtime is paid per FLSA. 

 Lateral hiring incentives

Individuals who have previously been employed as a full-time corrections officer with a municipal, county, state-certified tribal or state law enforcement agency will receive:

  • Lateral hire’s prior service time as a full-time commissioned corrections officer is recognized for calculating longevity and annual leave accrual rate.
  • One week (40hrs) of annual leave and one week (40hrs) of sick leave

 Incentive Pay

Assignment Pay 3.5% of base hourly rate -

  • Booking Coordinator
  • Court Officers
  • Alternatives Officer
  • Classification Officers
  • Training Officer
  • Background Investigator Officer
  • Medical Transport Officer
  • Re-Entry Officer
  • Medical Liaison Officer
  • Field Training Officer (while assigned trainee)

Bilingual Pay -

 2% of the base hourly rate

Shift Differential -

Second Watch (Swing Shift) 1% of the base hourly rate

Third Watch (Graveyard Shift) 2% of the base hourly rate


The employer supplies and maintains uniforms and equipment.

 Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance and Disability Plans

Employees in this position may choose from several insurance plans. Premium rate sheets showing County and employee contributions will be available on the Kitsap County website at https://spf.kitsapgov.com/hr/Pages/default.aspx

 Retirement Plan

Public Safety Employees Retirement System. For more information go to PSERS Plan 2 - Department of Retirement Systems (wa.gov)

 Hours of Work

Corrections Officers work 10-hour 40-minute shift that rotates every six months. Guaranteed two weekends off every month.


Thirteen (13) paid holidays, four (4) of which are premium days for which the officer receives additional halftime pay.

 Annual Leave

Upon employment 96 hours per year
After 3 years 120 hours per year
After 5 years 160 hours per year
After 10 years 200 hours per year

No more than 360 hours of annual leave may be carried over at the end of the calendar year.

 Sick Leave 

Eight (8) hours per month of employment, with a maximum accumulation of 1200 hours.

 Bereavement Leave 

Up to three (3) days per occurrence is allowed and is not cumulative for a death in the employee’s immediate family, as defined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Up to two additional days may be provided but will be charged as sick leave..

 Corrections Officer Minimum Requirements

  • US citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident

  • Read, write, and speak the English language

  • At least 21 years of age

  • Pass a civil service entrance examination and the WSCJTC Physical Fitness test. Lateral applicants will no longer have to pass the WSCJTC Physical Fitness Test to be eligible for hire.

  • Pass medical, psychological, and polygraph examinations, as well as a complete background investigation

  • Possess a valid Washington State driver's license at the time of employment

  • A conviction record may be disqualifying