Accessible Voting in Kitsap County

We are committed to ensuring that each voter has an accessible, independent and private voting experience. With accessible voting systems and innovative online tools, the technology exists today to provide voters with disabilities this constitutional right. The Kitsap County Auditor – Elections Division provides numerous accessible voting programs and services.

Online Ballot Access

Online Ballot Access allows all registered voters to access their specific ballot from home using the internet. It's compatible with accessibility software, utilizes closed captioning and allows for navigation without the use of a mouse.

Simply enter your name and date of birth to view and mark your ballot. Voters can review and change their ballot choices before printing. Use the downloadable ballot envelope or the envelope you received in the mail to return your printed ballot.  Mail it back or drop it in one of our many Ballot Drop Boxes located throughout he county. During elections, the Local Voters' Pamphlet is available online on our main Elections page and candidate and measure statements are also available at

Printable Ballot Drop Box listing and info page (1 page, 111 KB)

Printable Vote Center and Accessible Voting info page. (1 page, 283 KB)

Accessible Voting Units

Accessible Voting Units (AVU) create a simple, secure voting experience for voters of all ages and voters with disabilities. AVUs provide audio and high-contrast text options as well as plug-ins to accommodate lap paddles and sip and puff devices.

AVUs are available at the Elections Division office 18 days prior to an election. 


Voter Access Advisory Committee

Kitsap County works with its Voter Access Advisory Committee to ensure our programs and services meet the needs of voters with disabilities. The Voter Access Advisory Committee is comprised of a diverse group of Kitsap County residents representing numerous advocacy groups, Kitsap County employees and the county Auditor.

2023 Voter Access Plan 

2023 Voter Access Advisory Committee Minutes


Request an Accommodation 

Elections Division materials are available in alternative formats by calling 360-337-7128. Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may contact that number via the Washington Relay Service at 7-1-1. Please contact the Kitsap County Auditor – Elections Division to request an accommodation that is not listed above.

Kitsap County Auditor – Elections Division 
619 Division St., MS - 31
Port Orchard, WA 98366 
360-307-VOTE (8683);
206-842-2061 (toll free from Bainbridge Island); 
253-851-4147 (toll free from Olalla)

Accessible Voting Resources