2025 Candidate Filing Dates
May 5-9 - Candidate Filing week. (Completed)
May 12 - Last day candidates may
withdraw from a race. (Completed)
May 19 - Candidate statements due. (Completed)
July 16 - Last day candidates can file for free to be a write-in candidate in the Primary. (Completed)
July 17-August 4 - Candidates can file as a write-in candidate for Primary races, but must pay a filing fee. (Completed)
TBD - Special filing period for races with no candidates after May 20. (None needed)
October 15 - Last day candidates can file for free to be a write-in candidate in the General Election. (Completed)
October 16-November 3 - Candidates can file as a write-in candidate for General Election races, but must pay a filing fee.