Under the direction of the Washington Department of Commerce, the Housing and Homelessness Division of Kitsap County is launching the development of its new five-year Homeless Housing Plan. This comprehensive initiative aims to make homelessness a rare, brief, and one-time occurrence in Kitsap County through an efficient and effective homeless response system.
"Every resident deserves a safe and stable place to call home. This planning process will help us identify gaps in our current system and develop targeted strategies to better serve our community's most vulnerable members," said Housing and Homelessness Program Manager Carl Borg.
The county is actively seeking community volunteers to participate in this crucial planning process. A dedicated committee will meet six to eight times before April to help develop survey questions and identify key areas of concern within the community.
"Community input is vital to creating an effective plan that truly addresses the needs of our unhoused neighbors," said Human Services Director Doug Washburn. "We need diverse perspectives and experiences to build a long-term strategy that works for everyone."
The planning process will incorporate multiple opportunities for input, beginning with the formation of a committee to outline the plan and create a community survey. This collaborative approach ensures that the final plan reflects the diverse needs and perspectives of Kitsap County residents.
"Our community's strength lies in our ability to work together toward common goals. Housing stability is fundamental. This five-year plan will serve as our roadmap for creating lasting change in Kitsap County," said Christine Rolfes, chair of the Kitsap County Board of Commissioners.
Community members interested in contributing to this important initiative are encouraged to contact Carl Borg at ceborg@kitsap.gov.
Last updated in 2019, the current Homeless Crisis Response and Housing Plan has provided a strong foundation for the County's efforts to address homelessness. The plan is expected to build upon existing strategies while incorporating new approaches to meet current challenges.
For more information, visit: https://www.kitsapgov.com/hs/Pages/HH-Housing-and-Homelessness-Landing.aspx.