Sewer Rates

Public Works Sewer Utility Division operates and maintains treatment plants in Central Kitsap, Suquamish, Kingston and Manchester. User fees for wastewater treatment and administration are listed below and went into effect January 1, 2025. 

Monthly Sewer Charges​ ​
Single Family Residential ​
Per Month
Multi-Family Residential ​
Per Month
Commercial or Industrial ​
Per c.f. H2O
​Restaurant ​​$0.236
​Per c.f. H2O

Plan Review & Inspection Fees ​ ​ ​
Plan Review, Admin & Legal ​$0.50 per LF of Sewer Main (Min. $225) + $270 per Pump Station ​
Gravity Sewer Inspection (includes 1 TV Inspection) ​
$1.25 per LF of Sewer Main (Min. $380) + $400 per Pump Station ​
Force Main Inspection$0.85 per LF of Force Main ​
Additional TV Inspection ​$0.40 per LF of Sewer Main ​
Newcomer's Assessment *
​$9,939 per each residential equivalent unit for all sewer systems

* Revised annually (Resolution 131-2023 Amending Newcomer Assessments)

Miscellaneous Fees
Stub Fee
Building Sewer Permit
$50 (plus $20 for each additional connection to a single building)
Disconnect Fee
​Sewer Availability Agreement
​$27.21** per month
  ** Revised June 1 every year      ​

Monthly sewer fees increased in January 2024 to help cover inflationary costs for operation and maintenance and for repairs and replacement of the aging infrastructure of the sewer systems. Learn more about the rate increaseThe full text of the rate resolution can be viewed here.

Billing Information:
Bills are sent bi-monthly (one every other month). Single family residences will receive a bill for $208.50 every two months.

Senior citizens receive discounted rates if qualified for property tax exemption in Kitsap County. If you are qualified, contact us to review your current billing rate.

Rates are computed based on a flat rate for all non-commercial or industrial customers, rather than water usage, to help keep costs down. Water service is provided by several different purveyors or through single family wells or non-metered systems. The cost to obtain flow information for these customers is high, and would have to be passed to all ratepayers resulting in higher sewer bills.

Rates for commercial and industrial customers, as well as all restaurants, are computed on actual water use. Water consumption data is provided by the water system servicing these customers.

Payment Options