Our Traffic section is committed to maintaining and improving the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the county's transportation network. Our dedicated teams manage a wide range of services, including traffic signals, signage, pavement markings, and traffic engineering.
Transportation Planning
The mission of Kitsap County Public Works Transportation Planning is to fully implement the mandates of the Washington State Growth Management Act. Our staff collaborates with the public, cities, local agencies, other county departments, Tribes, and regional organizations to develop the 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program and secure grant funding for capital projects. For more details, please visit the Transportation Planning page.
Traffic Operations
Our Traffic Operations team is dedicated to ensuring the safety and efficiency of our roadways. We manage critical functions such as traffic safety initiatives, setting and maintaining speed limits, overseeing roundabout safety, processing road closure requests, and handling oversized load permits to keep traffic moving smoothly and safely.
- Traffic Safety
- Speed Limits
- Road Closure Request
- Oversized Load Request
Traffic Signals & Street Lighting
The Traffic Signals team ensures that all traffic signals, including vehicular and pedestrian signals, are properly maintained and functioning. We handle regular inspections, troubleshooting, and repairs to keep traffic flowing smoothly and safely. Kitsap County manages and maintains 46 signalized intersections. Additionally, through interlocal agreements, the County provides maintenance services for signalized intersections in the City of Port Orchard (6 intersections) and the City of Poulsbo (9 intersections). Kitsap County's Street Lighting team oversees the maintenance and operation of streetlights along county roads, primarily funded and managed by private entities or through agreements with Puget Sound Energy (PSE). This office focuses on strategic installations to balance safety and fiscal responsibility. Residents or entities interested in new installations or reporting outages are directed to engage with PSE or the appropriate county offices based on the type and location of the streetlight.
- Traffic Signal Maintenance Overview
- Kitsap County Street Light Information
Road Signs/Striping
The Road Signs/Striping team is dedicated to ensuring that the roadways throughout Kitsap County are safe and clearly marked, following the standards set by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). From maintaining uniformity in road signs to ensuring proper road striping, we strive to enhance safety and visibility for all road users. Over 900 miles of roads are maintained by applying and preserving centerline and edge line stripes in compliance with federal, state, and county guidelines. This process involves selecting roads for striping, using reflective materials to enhance nighttime visibility, and conducting seasonal restriping to ensure road safety.
- Road Signs
- Road Striping and Marking Guidelines