Transportation Planning

What We Do

Kitsap County Transportation Planners work with the public, cities, local agencies other County departments, Tribes, and regional organizations to provide an efficient, adaptable, and coordinated multimodal transportation system throughout the County. We provide guidance in the evaluation, assessment, design and placement of transportation facilities. This ensures safe and adequate access for motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and other roadway users.

Mission:  To fully implement the mandates of the Washington State Growth Management Act under RCW 36.70A.070 (6).

Public Works prepares a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and annual construction program to update and coordinate the county's future plans for road and transportation improvements. 

Comprehensive Safety Action Plan

The 2024 Kitsap County Comprehensive Safety Action Plan commits Kitsap County to the goal of reaching zero serious injury or fatal traffic collisions by 2030 using the Safe System Approach to build redundant safety measures throughout our local agency. The Safe System approach is a holistic and comprehensive approach to traffic safety that provides a guiding framework to make routes safer for all modes of travel by focusing on creating safer people, safer roads, safer vehicles, safer speeds, and efficient post-crash care.

Transportation Studies
Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study - 2021

The Transportation Impact Fee Study shows how an updated Kitsap County transportation impact fee rate is developed. It describes the existing impact fee rate, the basis for the fee, the rate methodology, the impact fee project list, and includes the new recommended fee rate. Transportation impact fees are collected to fund improvements that add capacity to the transportation system, accommodating the travel demand created by new development. 

Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study documents:

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits denying persons with disabilities equal opportunity to participate in city and county services, programs or activities. This includes public rights-of-way, such as sidewalks and pedestrian ramps.  

In order to comply with the Federal requirements, Kitsap County is developing an ADA Transition Plan. The Departments of Public Works, Human Resources, and other County agencies along with the Kitsap County ADA Committee, are working together to ensure the Transition Plan is holistic and comprehensive.

Silverdale Transportation Implementation Strategy  
This study is a technical analysis project designed to prioritize a Transportation Implementation Strategy for Silverdale, implemented through the County's Transportation Improvement Process and associated recommended financial strategies.
View the report here.

Port Gamble (Sound to Olympics) Trail Feasibility Study 
Kitsap County is exploring the feasibility of an approximately 6-7 mile bicycle and pedestrian shared-use path connecting SR 104 in Port Gamble to Stottlemeyer Road. If built, the bicycle and pedestrian trail will provide a non-motorized corridor connecting locations within northern Kitsap County.  
View the report:  
pages 1-20
pages 21-76

Jarstad - Lake Kitsap  Trail Feasibility Study
Kitsap County and the City of Bremerton are exploring the feasibility of an approximately 3.1-mile bicycle and pedestrian shared-use path connecting Jarstad Park to Kitsap Lake Road. If built, the shared-use path would provide a primary non-motorized corridor between Central and South Kitsap. Approximately 2/3rd of the proposed route is within the City of Bremerton.

View the report here.

Kingston Complete Streets Final Report - May 2016

The Kingston Urban Growth Area (UGA) was established in 1998 through adoption of the Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan and the Kingston Sub Area Plan, which was adopted in 2003, and has been periodically revised and is currently being updated. The Comprehensive Plan provides a policy basis for the Complete  Streets Project within the area identified as the the Urban Village Center (UVC), including support for improving safety for all modes of travel, reducing the adverse effects of ferry traffic, and balancing parking in the downtown center.

Report - May 2016
Inserts Part 1  (1A through 2B)
Inserts Part 2  (3A through 5B)
Inserts Part 3  (6 through 11)
Inserts Part 4  (12 through 20)

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Kitsap County Department of Public Works Roads Division assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and as amended, and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (P.I. 100.259) be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance from the Washington State Department of Transportation. For Title VI information, to locate our Title VI plan, and to learn how to file a complaint, please visit our Title VI Page. Contact Kitsap1 at 360.337.5777 or email for more information.