Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Removal Program


Kitsap County is developing a county-wide derelict vessel removal program in concert with the Washington Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) existing Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Removal Program that will serve the cities and port districts within Kitsap County. 

Kitsap County hosts extensive marine shoreline and tidelands, twelve port districts, numerous piers and marinas, and four incorporated cities. Kitsap is rich in maritime culture, it supports commercial fishing and aquaculture industries, and is a destination for recreational anglers and boaters. The shoreline and nearshore areas contribute to the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors alike; however, abandoned and derelict vessels frequently mark that shoreline and pose hazards for boaters and anglers while negatively impacting water quality and habitat. 

Kitsap County received grant funding through the National Estuary Program Habitat Strategic Initiative, administered by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife & Washington Department of Natural Resources, to develop this program. 

Report a Vessel of Concern

To report an abandoned or derelict vessel, please the image below. Please provide as much information as possible. You may add up to six photographs. Make sure to hit the "Report It" button before you exit.

For emergency situations, contact 911 and the US Coast Guard at (206) 217-6001.

Vessel Disposal Resources

For Private Moorage Facilities:

To view a checklist with specifc information for disposing abandoned or derelict boats as a private moorage facility, visit the "How to Dispose of an Abandoned or Derelict Boat (Private) Card PDF" located on the righthand side of the webpage under "Related Files."

For Public Moorage Facilities:

To view a checklist with specifc information for disposing abandoned or derelict boats as a public moorage facility, visit the "How to Dispose of an Abandoned or Derelict Boat (Public Entities) Card PDF" located on the righthand side of the webpage under "Related Files."

For Individuals:

DNR can help approved owners dispose of their vessels safely and legally, offering reimbursement for the costs. Visit the Vessel Turn-In Program webpage to learn more information about the application and to see if you meet the eligibility criteria requirements to participate in the program. 
The VTIP Eligibility Criteria flyer and the VTIP Application are located on the righthand side of the webpage under "Related Files."

Additional Resources

Notices of Intent To Seize

Vessels with custody actions pending under RCW 79.100 are posted on the WA DNR webpage. To view the vessels with pending action, please visit the Notices of Intent.

Derelict Vessel Inventory

To view current DNR Inventory and Removal Lists, including the Fund Balances for the program, please visit Derelict Vessel Inventory and Funding.

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Materials

​June 27, 2024
​Kick-Off Meeting
Notes & Summary
​August 14, 2024
​Technical Advisory Committee
Meeting #2
Derelict Vessel Removal Process Notes
Notes & Summary
​September 11, 2024
​Technical Advisory Committee
Meeting #3
Barriers & Challenges Themes Overview
Notes & Summary
​October 9, 2024
​​Technical Advisory Committee
Meeting #4
Notes & Summary
​November 13, 2024
​​​Technical Advisory Committee
Meeting #5
Notes & Summary
​December 11, 2024
​Technical Advisory Committee
Meeting #6
Notes & Summary

  • Current Vessel Removal Process Feedback from DNR

Related Links

Washington Department of
Natural Resources (DNR)
For emergency situations, contact 911 
and the US Coast Guard at
(206) 217-6001 or Channel 16 VHF-FM.


Please use WA DNR's Derelict & Abandoned Reporting Tool (DART)

REPORT OIL SPILLS (24-hour response)
US National Response Center

Washington Department of Ecology


Brittany Gordon, Project Manager 
(360) 801-6240


614 Division Street - MS36
Port Orchard, WA 98366


619 Division Street
Port Orchard, Washington


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